
I would love to see a slow mo top down look at that. Why don’t they have high angle top down views?

My favorite scene was when the orangutan that was brought in as a closer threw his poo at Bryce Harper.

“I believe the 2004 ALCS was an act of God.”

This is a disgrace! My child saw that women’s shoulders! How am I supposed to explain this!?

I wonder how much those sunglasses cost.

Why would the cameraman show it and the commentators make jokes about it!? It will only serve to incentivize future cats to the do the same.

This is a dumb fucking analogy, and you sound like a salty bitch.

My hope is that it is as limited as implied in the article. You can have one unit. Two units stacked is a ‘Corps’ with boosted stats. Three stacked units is an ‘Army’ with further boosted stats. But end it there.

That is a top notch meme. But would you consider it a Trump meme or a Hillary meme?

The combination of pure physical talent and lack of growth as a player seems to make a compelling case for unrealized potential. He has actually regressed since he won back to back defensive player of the year awards. I don’t know how you can look at game regression during a players prime and not think they are

He did rob me of something. The viewing of greatness. The only reason I give a damn about any of these guys is their capacity to entertain and amaze me through the sport they play. Howard could have been one of the most dominant players of the last decade. Instead he isn’t. And that sucks.

Takes are cyclical. As hot takes cool, they recede, leaving a vacuum for new hot takes to form. We are merely in a period of hot takes receding.

Makes sense. “Budweiser” sounds suspiciously foreign. For this same reason I would be okay with replacing all proper nouns with America.

Ramirez slide.

Which boggles my mind. As annoying as Bernstein can be sometimes, at least he doesn’t commit the cardinal sin of being downright boring. If I listen to 5 minutes of Waddle and Silvy I can’t remember what I heard for the first 4:30.

Posting from phone. Desktop’s processor melted.

Fucking Cleveland!? I thought this movie was supposed to LESS grim and dour than BvS.

“Radiohead dropped a new single this week called “Burn The Witch” and it’s fucking gold. It sounds like a Smiths song and a Hitchcock film score hopped in bed together.”

Can’t say I blame Holtby for being pissed. Mike Weber’s assist on that last play was picture perfect.

I hope they animate Lebron’s hair.