
I can't STAND Origin. Not to the point of boycotting the service, as I am forced by EA to purchase some of their games through it, but still. If I had a choice, a free choice I would buy all of my games on Steam and avoid Origin all together. EA knows the vast majority of people would do the same, and that's why they

I guess there have always been sequels in all aspects of media. It goes on and on.

Hey, I have to take every chance I get to say God, Santa and the Easter Bunny are not real. People still believe in that junk, and still get offended when their particular flavor of religion is singled out. Also, I forgot about Romney soooo long ago I barely remember what his face looks like never mind his political

Why are you singling out Mormons? All religions are steeped in superstition and were completely made up by tribes to quell fears of the unknown, or leaders bent on controlling their people. It's all a big lie, but there is no reason to single out Mormons.

I've already purchased this game on Steam. After seeing this trailer, September 25th can't come soon enough!

This is a bit off topic, but if anyone wants to really get scared...play Outlast. I can't play for more than ten fifteen minutes without taking a break.

It all depends on the person. If you game on your PC that makes a difference as well. A higher resolution will look nicer, but you will take a performance hit if you run it at it's native resolution while gaming.

A couple of people mouth off, and every PC gamer is an elitist. Please. I don't know any PC gamer that doesn't own at least one modern console. I personally own a Wii, N64, and a PS3 along with a gaming PC.

One of my favorite whimsical PC games. Been greyed out forever. Why the fuck bother posting? IDK

Redneck Rampage

It's kind of hard to take the effort and get into the spirit of things, when you are 'greyed out'. Been here since the mid 2000's, but it's hard to come here and get taken seriously when NO ONE sees anything you post.

I have it sitting right here in the paper fold out case. It's in perfect condition, and try not to use it too much. Works perfectly in Windows 7 64, which is strange because I have had issues in Vista and XP. Maybe it's the Nvidia drivers that are at work here.

I had this game and for some reason the disc is not in the jewel case. Ugh. It was a shame this franchise hit a dead end, but it's great that there are used copies on E-bay. Thanks.

Do you know if the PS4 controller is planned to be sold as a PC controller like the 360 game pad? If so, I am buying these instead of the new Xbox controllers. I already have four wireless 360 controllers for PC and they're great, but a change would be nice.

Odd, but visually it reminds me of a more colorful Dishonored.

The series is incredible, but MGS4 was a disappointment in my opinion. I really can't explain it.......I just didn't think it was nearly as good as it's predecessors. Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater were heads and tails better than MGS4. My opinion of course.

I don't think there will be official Sony support for the OR. If there is support, it might be Sony allowing third party publishers to support the Oculus on cross platform games that already have support on PC.

Really, really looking forward to Total War: Rome 2. I wish the game wasn't $59.95 though. The price hasn't kept this title from being the top selling game on Steam, even though it has yet to be released.

This summer though, has been pretty nice.........and weird. Eighties and raining is bizarre here. I don't remember weather like this my entire life. Also, though there are many grey days but the list of cities that have more rain:

I guess I am the only person in the world that thought this game was mediocre. Glad so many loved it though.