
Very much disagree. I’ve lived by myself but from a purely financial standpoint, given the option to live at home for a few years or get your own place, I took the live at home option. I pay for things around the house so it’s not a total free ride and I have to deal with house rules but the bank statement makes it

Glad to see the DOJ has it’s priorities in order, it’s not like civilians and cops are being murdered.

Maybe that’s where our problem is in modern politics. We feel like we need to either agree with people, or hate them.

lol it totally goes over your head that this is a long game. And his movement has grown worldwide. He started a fire in progressives and progressive movements worldwide, they’re all taking from his campaign and moving away from centre right politics.

And what kind of team player is Debbie, head of the DNC, who supports her Republican colleagues from Florida over any Democratic challengers, because they’re her collegues and friends?

I think it’s funny how every homeschooler on the internet is such a resounding success.

“His identity is tied to being the “lone” voice “fighting the good fight”.”

There’s no argument from the Democratic party for why she decided to deregulate that particular industry. I don’t understand Wasserman-Schultz’s overwhelming support among Jezzies. In the end, they’ll stay loyal to her, even if it means letting the DNC sponsor a few more bills that shaft America’s poor in the most

Not a homeschool proponent, but doesn’t it speak to the failing of the public education system if a person that graduated from a public high school is unable to teach their child elementary school level math or literature. It seems to me that this is an indictment of the system and not an argument for it. That’s

I have strong (and strongly biased) feeling on this subject because I and my siblings were homeschooled through the end of eight grade back in the 80s/early 90s. My parents homeschooled us because they were conservative Christians and didn’t want us corrupted by the evil influences of “the world” (which also meant

The curricula she describes sound very squishy.

I havent used the Calculus I learned in high school either, but I wouldn’t deprive my kids of the opportunity to learn it. What if my kid wanted to be an engineer or math professor? I think it’s the job of parents to expose their kids to all the options to the best of their ability. And that means subjects which they

I’m an R&D Manager at a fortune 500 company. Before that I was a senior research chemist. Before that I was a grad student in chemistry. Before that I was a chemistry undergrad. Before that some dude taught me chemistry in high school and I said “hey, I like this!”

You never use physics or biology? Do you not exist as a human on planet Earth? Because I encounter physics every time I drop something and biology every time I take a breath or eat a plant or go to the washroom. I’m sure glad that I understand why all of things occur.

Ummm ever heard of The Hermitage museum? With one of the largest and oldest art collections in the world? She is probably the most famous monarch patron of the Arts and one of history’s most prominent catalysts for cultural development. You don’t have to like her (it’s cool, my mom’s family has contempt for the

It’s not like she’ll be getting residuals.

Now playing

They just did a wonderful miniseries about her rise to power in Russia. I loved it. It’s a shame that it’s not accessible to a wider audience.

Costume porn: incoming.