
Christopher Nolan is what.. nearly 50 years old? He's a middle aged man who doesn't know about some teeny bopper bullshit band/dude. I don't know why anyone would find that hard to believe. I'm not quite that old - but not that young either - and I couldn't name a single one of his songs.

GD your Bill Maher clickbait. Damn me worse for taking it. Ugh. Annoying.

Most people are not the type of people who read AV Club. Right? I'm talking about just normal ass motherfuckers out in the world. When these people catch a sniff of this kind of faux outrage I really think it turns them off. They're like "what the fuck are they bitching about?" - and it becomes very easy for the right

Did you know people have different senses of humor? I personally find him just as funny as I always have and I think he's very good at what he does. The conversations on Real Time are usually far more interesting than those on cable news (obviously that's not saying much … but it still makes it much watch TV for a

I *am* a leftist but I'm extremely annoyed by how ridiculously petty many of my fellow leftists are. I really think there may be something to the idea of them driving away normals from liberalism as a whole. Making it uncool to be liberal is … not a good idea.

The latest one that set me off is the "outrage" over that guy saying whatever he said about watching RuPaul. It's like people are just aching to be outraged about the slightest thing from obviously well meaning people on the right side (left side) of these issues. It's crazy to me because there's so much real shit to

Maybe you guys could take a break from whining about every little thing Bill Maher does?

He does actually seem to be a cool guy even if he sings cheesy songs.

Not a fan of Josh Groban the singer - nothing against him, just not my thing - but now a big fan of Josh Groban the Twitter warrior.

I'm going to be surprised if he makes it 48 hours without saying something wildly inappropriate. I imagine he's got his staff surrounding him trying to stop him.

Yeah - it's quite strange. It's like instead of filthy rich people now elite means people who read books?

It's funny because before they started running this campaign I'm sure the Trump family looked down on the vast majority of the people who became their biggest political supporters. But now they see these uneducated rubes as the only people that buy their shit so they've begun to identify with them on some level.

That is objectively true.

From people with guns?

… sarcasm?

First off; James T. Hodgkinson - you are sir were a dumb ass. Did you think you were helping your cause?

And he keeps banning anti-Trump responses. For a while they were totally dominating his Twitter feed.

Ben Sasse is right about the first amendment and I give him credit for speaking somewhat truthfully about Trump (at least in comparison with other Republicans) but we also have to be wary of him … Trump is going to so change the window for what's acceptable in politics that someone as right wing as Sasse may appear

throwing around the word racist when it's not apt is extremely lame. words have meaning.

Are we not mad at Wayne Brady for saying that Bill Maher's black girlfriends look like men? Isn't that transphobia or something? … come on now! let's dig for some more faux outrage!