
As an old man I barely know who Diplo is, but this looks kind of funny.

The food was most definitely terrible. But you should still leave a tip. That story lowers Blues Traveler stock more than this one in my book. No-tippers are the worst.

Neither hold a candle to Dishwalla.

I love anonymity on the internet as much as any other weirdo. But sometimes I'm not entirely sure it's not causing more trouble than it's worth. I think it's possible that in a world without anonymous internet trolls Donald Trump wouldn't be President right now.

Pretty sure the internet has made everyone insane. But it could be … more of a: you see the problem when you look for it kind of thing? Maybe people were just as insane 30 years ago.

Damn, I forgot about the Donna thing. Good point.

I agree with you, the problem with Audrey's scene is we've all been waiting for her to show up … and instead of having her involved with the story we're watching - she shows up and it's all of these new characters we've never even heard of before. This seems particularly strange as we've already been introduced to her

yeah I don't feel that way at all - I was a bit annoyed by some of this episode but overall I'm still very much into it and looking forward to watching the rest of it.

It's nice to see Ben seems to be a genuinely good dude now. Considering what a piece of shit he was in the original series.

Yeah … time comes for us all, eh? In general the characters/actors all look older than I was expecting (but it has been a damn long time eh?) with the exception of Norma. And maybe Dr. Jacoby. He looks old, but he already looked old, so I was expecting him to look ancient. Just looked him up. Russ Tamblyn is 82.

This is one of Lynch's things. He seems to like to mix up different eras in a surreal kind of way. Was like that in the original series too… it would sometimes feel like the 50s even though it was set in modern times (1990).

I agree it was my least favorite episode of the series so far. Yet still there were a few scenes I really loved.

hrm. I think it's a big problem (or "problematic" as the kids like to say) to apply this kind of gender studies attitude to everything. Some women are awful. Some men are awful. Why do we have to always make it about that? It's not like Twin Peaks is short on absolutely disgusting male characters.

I didn't have a problem with Audrey as much as being thrown into this scene with so many new names/info that didn't seem to have any relevance, especially as we know what's going on with her son - seems strange that she wouldn't be responding to that at all? Maybe she's been estranged from him for a long time. (and

Yeah, that creeped me out. Was hard to tell if it was just general Twin Peaks weirdness or a clue of some kind. But I think you're right that something's up with Diane.

I love this show but I have to admit I found parts of this episode a bit frustrating; don't know what the hell is happening just a little too often (particularly with Audrey … is she not concerned about her son's actions?)

I guess I'm out of the loop but I've never seen a TV series or a movie based on this concept. Doesn't seem that played out to me… meanwhile we're on like the 20th superhero movie of the year, that shit is played out.

I …. don't find it that hard to parse. He's saying he was aware that the guy was famous (to teenage girls) but that he didn't personally know who he was.

He knew he was famous in general but wasn't personally aware of him. Makes sense to me. It's not like Christopher Nolan - director of Leo DiCaprio and Christian Bale is going to be impressed by some teeny bopper pop star?

Exactly. I find it amusing that people think that we're in some monoculture where things like this are inescapable. I've only barely listened to Ed Sheeran. .. he's bigger than One Direction right?