
It's not a matter of putting him in his place really … it was a bad adlib joke. He apologized. But I still see the problem as being the reaction from the purity police. There's a smug holier than thouness that radiates from these apparently perfect people who have never said the wrong thing in their entire lives -

Yeah. What do you do to help progressive causes? I, like Bill Maher, donate money to progressive candidates I believe in. … how do you contribute? By ginning up the faux outrage machine for liberals who aren't pure enough for your tastes?

yeah Bill Maher is = to Bill Cosby now. WTF? This is the kind of shit that makes people hate liberals. Bill Maher is right about that and I think the fact that he calls out the BS nature of liberal outrage culture is part a huge part of why we see these kind of attacks from folks who feed off of it.

My guess is you're a Trumpkin posing as a faux outraged black guy to stir up trouble. Seriously people; don't let yourself get played. This is the kind of shit the alt-right does.

Yeah… I'm sure that's what Bill Maher intended with this adlib quip. What faux outrage nonsense.

Yes, that's exactly what it was. A bad adlib. Nothing more, nothing less. But I think it's a very chilling thing if we are going to attack people like this so relentlessly for something that was very clearly not intended to be taken in this way.

He's not a troll and he wasn't trolling. He just slipped up and said an inappropriate adlib which has been completely blown out of proportion by the purity police progressives.

They are. Very very wrong. Attacking fellow progressives who you agree with 95% of the time every time they slip up is just gross behavior. It's the worst kind of self righteousness … kind of amusing because these same people often accuse Maher of being "smug" (OK he is smug, but he's not a racist.)

So HBO is removing the bit and Bill Maher has apologized. Is that enough purity police or do you really need his head on a stick? My God. Use your powers for something worth actually doing for a change. I wonder if you added up all of the campaign donations from people whining about Bill Maher if you'd get the $1

Alright I've gotten bored of my outrage at your outrage; I'mma watch Twin Peaks (again) now. But in the meantime; any faux outraged addicted liberals: please use your time more constructively - check out SWING LEFT for example. 2018. Win back the House. VOTE BRO.

Really? I find the last segment to often be the highlight of the show. I really don't get the anti-Bill Maher shit from many on the left. He's fuckin' great. I guess I'm not alone though or he wouldn't have a show on HBO for what.. 15.. 16 years now?

No. Including how Bernie didn't come out for Hillary strong enough and probably let his supporters get a little too anti-Hillary during the campaign. He should have had a bit more foresight about the general election.

No. It's ultimately *our* fault as a country. We are the ones who voted for Donald Trump to be President. Now obviously those of us who were sane enough to vote for Clinton don't share as much of the blame - but as a people we need to take a look at ourselves. Blaming her is lazy bullshit. She did deserve to win the

Yes; I'm so tired of this nonsense. It does seem to be a common thing with liberals - this purity police thing. It's probably the most unbecoming thing about them/us. I mean obliviously not all of us share this trait (I have many other terrible traits, but not this particular one…)

Nah, there will be something new by the morning probably.

Because he said Hillary Clinton is as bad as Donald Trump. If you don't know why that's crazy then you are crazy too.

Intent. That's the key here. It's obvious his intent was not racist. I just find it so infuriating when people insist on getting outraged by shit that's not worth getting outraged about.

Cornel West sucks as a liberal. As does anyone else who didn't see Donald Trump for the clear and present danger to western civilization that he is. We need more sane pragmatic people on the left. I think that's what Bill Maher represents and that's part of why I like him. He calls out Cornel West types on their

Well hopefully this will fizzle into nothingness because that's what it deserves. But I really wish these folks would stop it with this bullshit. It weakens the left and … it's just obnoxious really.

I personally think those witch-hunters on the left are not "real progressives" but … I won't go after them for it and try to destroy their careers or whatever. I just want them to get a new hobby that involves focusing on real problems rather than being liberal purity police.