
In the United States of America. There are not many people who are TV personalities who are as openly progressive as Bill Maher.

I think Louis CK is about the best comedian around - probably my favorite - so yeah I'd agree there. But I do think Bill Maher is quite good at what he does and being a political junkie I have a big appetite for the kind of political humor / discussion he does.

yes, it's absolutely bonkers to me. the dude is a far left liberal on TV who has been making fun of conservatives for years … and I guess because he says a few things that are "problematic" he's a witch that has to be hunted. it's creepy to me in the extreme.

the context here is that Bill Maher is a liberal comic who likes to be "politically incorrect" and gave a $1 million to the campaign of our first black President.

yeah and a lot of people still like to listen to The Smiths. Hell I think the word "irrelevant" to describe anyone is kind of smug nonsense actually.

oh yeah. "basic" that's probably #2. I'm sure you're just oh so much more unique than I. …

The context definitely matters. Bill Maher gave a million dollars to President Obama's campaign - to say he's not a racist is an understatement.

Comparing Richard Spencer (an actual fucking white supremacist) to liberal comics who don't keep up with the latest in what's "problematic" in the faux outrage left is just absolutely absurd.

"problematic" is probably the most obnoxious word in the god damn world.

It's funny to me when people here say Bill Maher is irrelevant when AVClub posts about everything he says.

Fuck 'em both. Bill is here to stay.

Not a great adlib, agreed. But that's all it was, an adlib. They're not all going to be hilarious. In the context of a humor show where other people are laughing, people tend to laugh more even at silly comments like that.

I love Bill Maher and his show. Great stuff. But I have been skipping his shows lately whenever he has a Bernie or Bust moron on there (Cornell West being the most recent.) I just can't deal with these idiots who still won't admit they were wrong not to support Hillary Clinton when we're this far into Trump's

God no. Larry Wilmore is a great dude but just not funny. At all. His show was terrible.

This whole thing where folks try to ruin other people's careers over this kind of BS is some real shit. Some kind of thought police purity garbage. And there's nothing liberal or progressive about it.

This is some real "addicted to outrage" nonsense. Save the outrage for the real thing.

You are stupid.

I love Bill Maher, he's right on the money most of the time and yes he's definitely right about the left wasting way too much of our collective energy on stupid as hell fake outrage. it's hard for me to believe any liberal is falling for this bait but then I see that tweet by Louis Virtel with over 1000 likes and I

they are just getting off on trying to turn liberals against Stephen Colbert by creating this sort of fake outrage. Any liberal going along with it is feeding the trolls in the most lame way I can imagine. Fuck Donald Trump. Fuck every single conservative snowflake troll tweeting #FireColbert and shame on any idiotic

yeah having a sociopath President is worth it for how "crazy" it's making all of the sane people.