Hey now, let’s be clear, all his non Sale *comics* work socks.
Hey now, let’s be clear, all his non Sale *comics* work socks.
Kevin Smith had interesting speculation (based on industry heresay) on his podcast, which was basically this:
Yann Demange directed the superb 71, which is basically the Northern Irish Troubkes as a John Carpenter Escape movie. It also has one of my favourite underrated movie quotes.
I eagerly await this, Dummy and any vaguely interesting Quibi dramas becoming 90-120 minute long movies on Netlfix or Prime after the contractually mandated 2 year* window...
I think this example from the linked article sums it up. Nobody becomes Kim Kardashian but you can use it to your advantage. Bearing in mind this is a show so unpopular they aired less than half the series on TV
Over the years lots of reality stars have gone on to become cable TV presenters or spokespersons or models or whatever. And nowadays you can leverage even low level social media fame into enough sponsored posts to make a living. Its hard to sustain because without a second TV gig, your fame dwindles when the next…
“with only six episodes, The Capture is just gripping enough to binge in one sitting.”
Have you done Econ 101? Because when I did it, they taught Keynes.
It’s mind blowing to me that High Flying Bird was shot on an iPhone, a 100 dollar lens and one LED panel. What people don’t dwell on is that its shot by a great cinematographer (in this case Soderberg) and gets tweaked to fuck by super talented professionals in post.
Theres a great YouTube channel that shows the first films of famous directors. Its fascinating to see them discover their style and obsessions. Thankfully a lot of them looka bit shit, because everyone has to start somewhere. And most of them were much less ambitious and had actual budgets because they were shot on…
i probably came across as dismissive of his superhero stuff, which I’m not. He’s very talented and the superhero stuff of his I’ve read is very good. I think though, that he’s a writer who really shines in street level stories.
I read that when it came out but don’t remember a lot about it. His bits were the Question sections? I do remember them being a lot of fun.
Rucka has done a lot of great comics work but you’re definitely better checking out his indie stuff like Whiteout, Queen and Country, Stumptown etc. His superhero stuff isn’t nearly as good, IMHO, except for Gotham Central which is superb.
“She never said one word of hate speech against trans people”
I should have been clearer. Got shut down by the owners, as they’re well within their rights to, obviously. Just surprising to me that they’d put that long into something and choose to end it over that. I wasn’t a regular but I thought it was a good site whenever I did check it out.
I try not to buy into the binaries of good dude/bad dude. But if we’re judging him on a scale of powerful Hollywood players, he’s not so bad.
It still amazes me that after 15 years, Whedonesque got shut down because Whedon had an affair. Not hate speech, not sexual assault or harassment. He cheated with a consenting adult.
I've always meant to watch Peeping Tom. I’ve been on a mini Powell Pressburger kick for this last year, watching Red Shoes, Colonel Blimp and Black Narcissus, but PT seems so at odds with all those that I forgot that it's kinda part of the same canon.
Was Shutter Island supposed to be a horror? I thought it was a fairly straight thriller. I didn’t like Mother hut Midsommer is rightly widely regarded as a masterpiece.
It’s not really ten minutes at a time. It’s just that every ten minutes- you’ll get a 5 second title card. Its surprisingly tolerable.