homerbert the 1st

Yeach, my cinema was mostly empty but I got the same vibe. Ans when I bullied my friends into watching it later, they were fairly evenly split between those who loved and hated the second half turn. I’m not gonna lie, I found it super jarring. I was thrown out of the movie for a bit but it won me back.

Yeach, what are the chances that a random movie script was not very good?

Ssorry To Bother You is a flawed masterpiece. Too many people slept on it. I hope he makes enough movies/TV that people catch up with it later. I'm really psyched for this show.

Ccounterpoint, Goldern Arm is great and people pointing and laughing at it like Sam Fucking Raimi wasn’t in on the joke were fools.

VOD numbers would have to be several orders of magnitude larger to cover the costs of a summer blockbuster. It would be almost impossible tfor studios make their money back on their biggest pictures. In 3 months we’ve gone from no one leaving the house to half the world going back to relative normal (regardless of

Hold on, shit like the Parks and Rec episode raised a ton of money for charity and was really funny. That’s entirely different from condecending celeb jerkoffs like Imagine or that concert they organised which didn’t help anyone.

The behind the scenes stories of Cops are horrifying, and I’d imagine this is similar. Targeting and harassing known vulnerable peoplewith big personalitiea because they know they’ll be good TV. The people with drug or mental health issues repeatedly being busted into in the middle of the night for a traffic violation

From a purely commercial pov, its make financial sense to aim at the Chinese market. Its huge and ever expanding. Black Panther and Crazy Rich Asians prove that the American market isn’t as closed off as many traditionally thought. Hopefully Shang Chi does well and Marvel are more open to bigger swings in diversity.

“would any REALLY bat an eye if they were all Asian?”

I just found the court case format of s2 just ended up turning the entire series into a Previously On Broad Church. S3s plot wasn't high art but it did what it needed to. Which is it allowed lots of people to act shifty and evasive over a cup of tea in between Tenant being snarky and broody to Coleman. 

I dont watch the show either but a good friend does and talks about it a bunch. By all accounts the show is much edgier, weirder and more political than you’d expect. 

So i heard. Unfortunately in the UK it’s 14 days, which isn’t really long enough to be habit forming. I shouldn’t complain, I was surprised it was released here. With the total marketing silence around it here, I presumed it was coming here later, like Disney+.

As a Raimi completist I trialed Quibi for Golden Arm. It was a fun way to spend half an hour. I enjoyed the first 3 episodes of Dummy a lot, but my 14 day trial subscription ran out before I got a chance to finish it. I presumed I could find it by *ahem* other means, but even nefarious pirates aren’t bothering with

Ugh. I hate the “sitcom character you like is secretly an asshole” genre. Really? The character who had to generate 200 episodes of story and thousands of jokes from their flaws was not perfect? In the real world you wouldn’t think they were great? Shocking stuff.

I find Internet justice/shaming fascinating. I’m trying to write something about it at the moment, but it’s pretty complex. I’m as guilty as most. I need my 5 minutes of hate on Twitter, liking posts dunking on arseholes. It can be addictive though and easy to lose perspective. I think some people get so caught up in

Loved the movie. The behind the scenes are incredible. Soderberg really used self operating an iphone as an excuse to strip the crew to like 3-4 people. And as a directing nerd, basically only using a single super wide lenses the whole way through is a fascinating filmmaking challenge.

He’s openly admitted he went to a meeting to advocate for cutting pay, industry wide, for the already underpaid writers assistants and junior writers. Whatever else he did in the past, that’s a recent dick move.

Insanely rich wanker Llod Webber flew all the way from America to England and back, for the sole reason of voting to cut benefits for the poorest and most vulnerable. What a fabulous illustration of a broken system, when an unelected tax dodging tool worth 650 million quid gets to do that. 

Yeah, he was in every episode in the second half of the season. I thought he was really funny. It was only afterwards I realised it was the guy from Scriptnotes.

Yeah, I’m glad the Kubrick/Hitchcock/Polanski school of tormenting actors into breakdowns “to help them” is dying out. Especially since it was usually reserved for the women, while male costars were trusted to act. Even ignoring the morality of it, you don’t have to abuse the likes of Faye Dunaway or Shelly Duvall to