homerbert the 1st

The studio only get about half the box office. That varies depending on which week of the run they’re in, the deals they’ve struck, what country they earn in, etc etc, But as a ballpark for this sort of speculation, 50% is about as close as you’ll get.

The original wasn’t a hit. It lost money at the box office*, but will have made money back on video. So a sequel is far from a guaranteed earner.

He meant John Stewart, The Green Lantern, so it was in fact a little racist. 

You’re bringing a lot of personal politics to this. The character is supposed to be the smartest person in the world, so you want her to have a secret clever plan. If she doesn’t, she’s just telling an idiot he’s great because she thinks it’s neat that he can talk to fish.

“Christ, you’re seriously planning to announce a cartoon version of Watchmen with a really ugly art style? When were you planning to do it?

They’re dumb opinions, but it’s not like he’s shouting them at you on the street. He’s saying then on a podcast, that by definition, people are listening to because they want to hear his opinions. You clicked this link because you wanted to read his opinions.

I thought This Time was a fairly big deal in the UK (in comedy circles at least). It was patchy, but had some absolutely brilliant bits. 

I’m an Ennis fanboy but think the Boys is one of his worst. The show takes all the best parts of the comics but I agree, it feels like it’s resetting a lot. Between Kripke and the ratings, I don’t think the show will end any time soon. But they’re kinda stuck with Homelander because the fans (rightly) love him.

Yeah the Boys comic built up to the Seven, by having the early trades be the Boys Vs some incestuous X-Men parody or whatever. By making the Seven the co-leads of the show from ep 1, they’ve painted themselves into a corner. Homelander’s too popular to kill but having them dance around each other for season after

At the very least, they should be paid the residuals they should have gotten from the original movie. Had they been union, they’d have been paid for the millions of DVDs, TV airings etc. 

Setting aside cumshot talk, which I don’t think anyone else is discussing, there are loads of perfectly acceptable adult conversations in workplaces that aren’t suitable for kids. For example, if you’re working for 12 hours in the rain and kids are only going to be about for an hour of it, then for the other 11 hours,

I sometimes work in kids TV and see no harm in this. The sets I’ve worked on have been safe and well managed, but it’s not uncommon for crew to forget that kids are nearby and, well, kids. So the normally harmless conversations on set between adults with swearing, jokes about getting wasted at the weekend, bitching

I don’t think it’s likely that Edgar Wright is going to make an overly serious movie.

The first one made a billions dollars, so all the key people’s fees went through the roof. 

A real Alien Vs Predator, "whoever wins, we lose" scenario here. How bad are tech companies like Spotify and Tiktok that they make us nostalgic for the days that record companies were the ones ripping off artists?

Hart didnt “somehow” get a role in Undeclared. He’d already done a TV movie North Hollywood for Apatow and Alison Jones (probably the most influential casting director of the last few decades). He also was the lead in a failed sitcom and a comedy feature. Getting 3 eps of Undeclared is a fairly natural place for him

It’s not just that he’s proselytising it, he’s been the de facto number 2 after Miscavige. He’s not just aware of the abuse, harassment, blackmail and borderline slavery of lower ranking Sea Org members, he’s responsible.

From Wizard of Oz to Jaws, the history of Hollywood is filled with productions in turmoil that turned out brilliantly. Panic Room, BTTF and Apocalypse now all had recastings happen after they were already filming. 

I hate the idea that something bad happening to a character is a mistake/shoddy treatment/a terrible disservice. It’s a drama. It’s supposed to affect you emotionally.

I love the Moffat line. “if you notice a mistake in Dr Who, it’s not a mistake, you just haven’t seen the story where the Doctor changed the timeline”.