homerbert the 1st

Yeah i totally get why people love their physical media, more power to them. Quality, rarity, special features, nostalgia, etc. There are tons of good reasons. But it’s a collectors game. It’s like having say Dylans back catalogue only available on CD. It can't last forever. 

This will never change while he’s alive, but the dudes 78. Physical media will become more and more scarce and this position less and less tenable. Half my friends work in TV and the other half are massive nerds and even then only a handful have DVD or Blu Ray players hooked up to their TVs. They'll be available to

I dont even think you need to skip 15 years. Just because lots of the women around him welcomed the attention doesn’t mean he didn’t just randomly grab whoever caught his eye, assuming they’d be as eager as the other women.

As far as I understand, to film at 120 frames per second you need to throw a RIDICULOUS amount of light at the camera. Then you need to fuck around a lot both in camera and in post to get shadows and not make it look like the actors are standing under floodlights. Which I understand is part of the reason the

I have no problem whatsoever with rmtrying to point people to weird indie stuff. That’s part of the reason I’m here. But they’re not mutually exclusive.

Maybe take a breath. You’re acting like I’m some troll who came here to start a fight. I’ve been posting here for years, because it used to be somewhere you could have a civil conversation about movies. If you get this worked up when someone posts that they like a popular movie, daily existence must be exhausting.

Weirdly I find the snobbishness is mostly in their movie reviews. Lots of pleasantly dumb TV gets reviewed on its own terms, but mainstream movies get dismissed much more quickly. 

I dont think it’s cultural amnesia. I hated Gates in the 90s because he made a shit product and used anticompetitice practices to create a monopoly and destroy small companies. I have decided that is outweighed by his incredible philanthropic work both in donating his personal wealth and lobbying other billionaires to

Kinda my point. The AVClub has a needlessly haughty attitude about mainstream comedies, both in its reviews and in its comment sections. I’ve seen several articles on here disparage Bad Moms and because the Hangover sequels were shit and the first was popular enough to receive a backlash, people have forgotten it’s act

The problem with the “balance of the force” theory/explanation is that it means the happy ROTJ ending has to be bullshit. Once Luke turns Vader and kills Palpatine, there are two light side folk (Luke and Leia) and no dark side folk.

Controversial opinion (but only on the AVClub) The first hangover is a solid comedy and the first Bad Moms is actually really good. Even Office Christmas Party is alright in a forgettable watch on Netflix kinda way. Needlessly snooty intro in my humble opinion. I mean theyre not Spike Jonze movies, but they’re aiming

I weep thinking of all the upvotes you could have gotten for your post, if not for your last sentence.

You know that there are different types of TV producers, right? And most of them don’t involve budgeting or calling vendors? She’s not claiming she was a line producer.

I love Campbell, but as long as Raimi is on board to direct, I can live without him. Ash Vs Evild Dead was a great swansong for the character. I’m desperate for Raimi to direct more Evil Dead. More anything really. He can just do a new horror/comedy in the Evil Dead/Drag Me to Hell style, call it Evil Dead and I will

I dunno, I can see Bug Boys appealing to my 3 year old. Aster looks like it’d be right in my 9 year old niece’s wheelhouse and she might like Runaway Princess. I don’t think Witch light’s art style would appeal. But yeah, they seem fairly solid for the demo. 

What? Bay has a reputation for being a screaming nightmare to work with. There are loads of stories of him being a dick to actors and crew.

Politely disagreeing with you via one sentence on an Internet forum is not forcing his beliefs on you. Nor is it “not shutting up about it”.

Yeah, i agree. When They See Us is brilliant, and gorgeously directed. Perhaps someone suggesting she’s an objectively bad person isn’t coming in without some bias.

I remember my older brother gave me all of Morrison’s Doom Patrol and issues 2 and 3 of Flex Mentallo. Amazing shit, but for years the rest of Flex was frustratingly hard to find. Great that it’s now on print.

Oxide ghosts, that’s it. Not surprised I didn’t remember a name that obtuse.