homerbert the 1st

I deeply love Ennis and have read almost everything he’s ever done, but I agree that the Boys is a mess. I don’t agree that it shouldn’t be adapted though. What’s frustrating about the Boys is that the basic premise and characters are great, the world building is fun and it has potential to explore interesting stuff

You know that in the last year he wrote and directed this movie, wrote Hitgirl and Batman comics, directed DCU TV episodes, is showrunning a Howard the Duck TV series and has another secret project on the go? He seems busy enough...

From the 90s? Fight Club, Magnolia, Se7en, Boogie Nights, Pulp Fiction, Matrix, Reservoir Dogs, Scream, Clerks, Three Kings, Sixth Sense, Toy Story, Saving Private Ryan, Schindlers List, Unforgiven, Braveheart, Big Lebowski, Fargo, Raising Arizona, Rushmore, Jerry Maguire, Trainspotting, Heat, The Insider, Traffic, Tru

The first few are tedious but they ditch the racing shit and reinvent themselves as gonzo action films round 4. Then they’re all stupidy entertaining and worth your time, though 8 is a bit of a dip.

I was in a similar boat. 1 and 2 are some of the best made TV drama ever. By merely being very good TV, season 3 felt like a let down. It does pick up momentum as it goes and is well worth finishing.

Agreed. He’s made clear in other interviews that it’s about emotional investment. I addition to the aged perspective you mention, it’s also a quantity thing. When there is so many star wars films now, and you’ve worked on one and your mates make the others, it’s harder to invest in them like you did as a 25 year old

Yeah, it’s the old fanboy anti George Lucas must die thing. I can begrudge people who gave me so much joy in the first place, even if the later stuff is rubbish. Thrones is such an impossible show to make narratively and production wise, it’s a miracle it’s even halfway watchable, nevermind largely great.

Yeah, fuck that noise. I was disappointed with the last seasons writing, but I get annoyed seeing the level of vitriol and whining of some online dickheads. Even if four out of five people are super cool about it, that’s still thousands of entitled arse holes with no behind the scenes info or unddrstanding, verbally

It helps a lot that it's Patreon, so I'm not paying money to some big corporation. Throwing 5 bucks for 10 hours plus of content a month is already a good deal, but knowing its going to Griff, David and Our Finest Film Critic pushes it over the edge. The calculus would be quite different if it was part of an Apple

I listen to a lot of podcasts. I have a permanent backlog. The only one I pay for is the bonus content for Blank Check. That’s pretty much the only one I’m willing to pay for. If my other podcasts started charging, I’d listen to others.

The dude already does physically exhausting acting for 12 to 14 hours a day, on top of his insane workout regime and boring as fuck diet. I’m not surprised that rather than be screamed at by a Bay/Cameron/Fincher type, he wants to work with his friend.

Yeah general opinion on the final series was mixed, but like so many nerd backslashes, the volume of those opinions tends to distort our perception of those things.

It’s almost like Simon Cowell is a very talented performer doing what the scene calls for. Not a very nice man but hedoes a good job of selling reactions to acts.

And Robert Llewellyn did it before Cordyn. It’s been a thing since GoPros were invented and made it possible to film inside a car without a low loader. 

Totally. I love Danny Boyle and the Beatles and don’t mind Richard Curtis and yet I still can’t get myself excited for it. The energy of Danny Boyle films is so much of the appeal but the film just seems so middle of the road dad movie. As a middle of the road dad, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it hugely at home, but that’s

You moved the goalposts pretty far there chief. No one is claiming it would solve Hollywood’s diversity problem. You made a demonstrably nonsense claim “I don’t honestly believe there is a single person (certainly no Black person ) who is remotely interested in a black James bond or thinks there could or should be one

The problem with Mystique is in the bloody name. She’s at best when she’s a smaller presence, mysteriously flitting in and out of the story, being morally ambiguous.

Agree with all that. What was the gay marriage subplot? 

I truly love the comic. The show is frustrating because it gets so much right. It’s funny, weird, bold, brilliantly cast and stylish. Unfortunately I can’t get in a groove with the plotting. It’s too slowly paced for me. The entire first season basically is the first issue of the comic. Jesse is this passive

I really enjoyed the book years ago but I don't remember there really being enough jeopardy for a show. I'll be interested to see how they approach it. Especially when it's quite a finite story too.