
Superman Red Son is a great read, but a lot of what works in it is he subversion of normal superman. Since we haven't had the cheery American Pie version of Supes onscreen in decades, it loses a lot of its potency.

"Wright could have stayed director and still had near-final authority over every aspect of the shoot, but he quit because they wanted to make him co-writer/director instead of writer/director." -

Howard's a great choice for a Star Wars film. He's just not the ideal choice when they already have 5/6ths of the film in the can and the writer/directors are two of the most exciting and innovative filmmakers working in Hollywood. I wish Howard had made one from scratch (preferably episode 9) and Lord and Miller had

I agree that the show has gotten broader and lazier since Mendel took over, but it's hardly fair to compare it to Community. Harmon was fired and the show run against his will. By all accounts Iannucci has a very amicable relationship to the show. He chose to step down, worked a bit on S5 setup with Mendel, watches

Because they paid him a lot of money to make sequel to one of his favourite films. He gets one of the biggest budgets ever for an R-rated movie, gets to build incredibly elaborate sets, work with Roger Deakins and Harrison fucking Ford. Plus, it's Blade Runner, so a certain degree of artistic expression or creativity

I'm not much of a Gosling fan, but I think he's a great choice for Blade Runner. He's a bit of a human uncanny valley, so there's always a question of whether he's a replicant or not. There's a reason Drive is Gosling's iconic role; he gets to play someone mysterious, emotionless and inscrutable.

The Doctor has saved the entire known universe countless times. He has been pretty much everywhere in time and space, fighting in species-defining battles and being present for key points in most races history. He's the last of the most powerful race in the known cosmos. Given the attention us humans give to some

I liked War Gone By Vol 1 but never got round to volume 2 (vol 1 is now 5 years old) I'm looking forward to Red Team Vol 2, but it's not out until August. Red Team was good, but it's been almost 4 years since vol 1. I love Ennis, but you need a fairly regular schedule if it's a continuing story, otherwise I forget

Ennis Punisher Max is brilliant, by one tpb every few months is plenty. The Slavers remains one of the best comics I've ever read, but it's also one of the bleakest, in any medium. A masterpiece that I will happily never re-read.

That'd be a more compEllington argument had they not had massivery success with characters so obscure they can't support a comic selling 40,000 copoes a month, like Guardians or Doctor Strange. Even the bigger names like Iron Man had very little mass audience awareness before Marvel made big films with 100 million

I don't think half of the British voing public is nuts, they are jus economically illiterate. They've been told for years that there's no money and that any left wing ideas will ruin us all. They vote for the tories because they're convinced Jeremy Corbyn will bring in Marxism in the morning. They don't understand

They're worse, they're the ducking tea party. Or the Jeffersonians or whatever you call Jonahs''s assholes in Veep.

It's weird, the party are a lot more retrograde than most of their supporters. The nut jobs who run the party have convinced a lot of the public that voting for them is the only way to keep the union alive, so they'll look past the fundamentalist madness.

Yeah, the soft brexiters in the party are already plotting a coup. So tories are back to being torn over Europe, and a hard bremit is looking much less likely.

Fair enough. She'd done a lot of terrible things, but I just don't think most of the public were very aware of her. She didn't have the profile of Hunt, Johnson, Osborne, Gove etc. I guess my point is that I don't think anyone saw her becoming the next PM.

Funny, I don't think the British public will care much about the heating scandal (that's local NI bullshit) but I think the dark money from Saudis that they used for Brexit ads could become a bigger deal.

Fair enough. I kinda meant the current ones in power, but that's only been 7 years. But you're right, they've always been twats.

The peace process is sound. There's no appetite for violence here. We haven't had terrorism* for two decades. The media love to shout about jeopardising the peace process, but it's nonsense.

Yeah but the DUP were already fucking up NI. As a Nordie who hates the DUP, I can honestly say this is a great result. It fucks the DUP and tories, plus it puts the border issue in the spotlight.