
Yeah, I was a bit disappointed in his fairly generic Batman run but Vision is probably the best comic I've read in the last 2 years. Feels like 80s Alan Moore meets Stephen King in the best possible way.

In his defence, at the time that felt like a fucked up lone gunman who happened to be super racist, rather than a signifier of a larger movement.

Donkey Punch is a legitimately fun little British horror movie set on a boat.

Mark Miller gets a lot of shit, but he is one of the last people making fun, short and accessible comics based on new ideas. In a medium where your choice for action stories is usually crossover and contunuity driven Big 2 comics or sprawling epics like Saga, it's nice that someone makes trades I can read in under 30

I miss the days when Spielberg word with a variety of cinematographers. As brilliant as Kaminsky's work is in AI, Minority Report, Private Ryan, Schindler''s List, etc , I'm not a fan of his lighter work. It either ends up looking fake (BFG, Crystal Skull) or blandly pretty (War Horse)

He had nothing to do with the film but IIRC Co wrote every episode of the 3 This is England series. He's ridiculously prolific. His wiki page is insane for a man under 40.

I caught Crystal Skull again on telly the other day and Junus Kaminsky's cinematography really does it no favours. Kaminsky is capable of truly beautiful work but he was totally the wrong person for an Indy film. The work Slocombe did on the originals is so rich but natural, Kaminsky floods everything with strong

This is great news. I had my doubts about ep 9, especially since Jonson confirmed he had nothing to do with the script. Thorne is one of the best writers in Britain though. This Is England and National Treasure are in the top tier of British drama.

I get that they went too far with it and some of their points were/are bullshit, but as a dyed in the wool liberal, I like that South Park had a go at both sides.

Oh come on, South Park will continue to roll on as long as Parker and Stone want it to. The show is dirt cheap and merchandise supported, they don't need the MAGA heads. They didn't roll over on numerous death threats over the years, I don't think they give a fuck about Trumpers.

Imagine how the American media would treat PBS if it had the most popular TV and radio channels and every household in the country had to pay 200 bucks a year to fund them.

It makes a great headline for the British press, who coincidentally are owned by right wing billionaires who hate the BBC and like pushing the public against the license fee.

Yeah, it's frustrating that Every Frame comes out so rarely, but there are a lot of bad imitators. Nerdwriter is a fairly good approximation and comes our regularly, though it frequently hits the "really it's about what it means to be human" wrap ups a bit too hard. I'm struggling to think of any other good video

That's not true. Generally crew safety is the responsibility of the producers, production coordinators and the ADs. Maybe the grips, gaffers and stunts team, depending on the sequence. The general assumption is that they've done risk assessments and will inform the director of any potentially big issues.

Heigle's not the film's focus but that's not a problem for me. It's not supposed to be. It's the story of an idiot 23 year old stoner coming of age, learning to grow up and be less selfish. She's rich, successful and together, so there's no comedy in her coping with a kid. She deals with how it will affect her career

I never got the abortion controversy about Knocked Up. Some women wouldn't get an abortion. I know a few pro choice women who would never have one. That'd be the choice part of pro choice I don't get why that's so complicated, misogynistic or problematic.

Finally a film that dares to ask "Can a middle-class, straight, white male make it in the low stakes, middle-class, straight, white male world of over-produced acoustic rock?"


Oh, you're right. In that case, no reason not to think it's a great title.

Shaun of the Dead is a great title. It's funny, memorable and explains the film's premise. Admittedly it may lose something outside of the UK, where the name is less common.