
This is absolutely a win. The tories have lost a huge amount of power and are barely holding on through an alliance with people everyone hates. The DUP will be torn apart in the spotlight of mainstream politics and the tories are severely diminished. Plus, the only things that the DUP have the clout to push for are

Oh goodie. I'm from Northern Ireland, so DUP bashing is my specialty.
Technically she can and will form a government with the DUP. However, it's a an alliance built on quicksand for a few reasons.

Oh for Christ's sake, who are the idiots blaming it on sexism.

The British media (even the "left" and "centrists") portrayed Corbyn as a ridiculous 70's hippie throwback who could never win. Polls suggested he'd lose 100-120 seats. His own party (which became centrist in the 90's) had a vote of no confidence in him and briefed against him constantly. Basically he only held in

BVS made $880 million on a $250m buget. They'd get about half that and the film probably cost 400 plus by the time marketing is costed. So they probably didn't make much on the theatrical run, but now the vod, streams, etc are all profit, nevermind toys and licensing deals. Warner will have made good money off that

DC's shitty movies have made billions, so in a lot of ways they are getting it right.

They should get Ben Affeck, he'd be the bomb as Phantom.

I'm not saying it belongs in the best comedies ever and i don't really want to get into a genre debate, I'm just objecting to the idea that there aren't any jokes in it. Those two gags are all time greats IMHO.

It's not chock full of quotable one liners, but the cop car prank and the guy "buying" them liquor are both laugh out loud funny.

Yeah it feels like there are 3 big conflicts that have been building since s1, all of which could be a full season each. There's Snows v Lannisters, Dany vs mainlanders, everyone who survivrd vs white walkers.

I got an empty cabinet for £100 and stuck an old pc in it. Took a while to download and configure stuff, but now it lives in the garage. It plays pretty much everything up to Dreamcast era.

And as smug as I am, in 20 years time I'm sure I'll be freaking out about people spending too much time in VR/AR/fully integrated internet via eyepieces/something we haven't thought of yet.

I had this debate with my older brother. It's because "this time it's different. The world has never seen anything like this before." Because of the Internet.

It kept threatening to get good. There were glimpses, but it was all so flat and one note. It didn't help that it felt like a Whedon show without all the things that made those shows great (clever dialogue, iconic characters, breathtaking twists, stylish direction)

After slogging it out through 2 and a half seasons of tedium before giving up, posts like this make me wish I'd stuck with it. Or just started on season 4.

I hate to be that guy because it's an amazing piece of engineering and nice of them to put up a video, but…

While neural networks make more sense, given how many people found the film confusing already, the simplicity of batteries is arguably the smart choice.

Exactly. His policies were vague, insane, racist, blatant lies etc, but in a soundbite culture, people vaguely knew what he stood for. Hillary could have had all the well thought out policies in the world, but she was unable to coherantly propose a platform. Trump pitched a blinkered impossible throwback to America's

I honestly don't mind the site revis wing stuff through that prism as long as they have something to say. The Blackish reviews for example, generally give a good personal insight into the social issues the show is discussing, while also telling you if the plots were well structured and if the gags worked. But shorn of

Agreed. I really don't think it's a great idea for professional reviewers to talk about creators insulting fans. There's tons of that on Twitter. Spencer is one of the best writers in comics, so if it sucks, give us some critical insight as to do why that is. Especially since all the complaints are on a level of "Cap