
I agree and I live in Europe too! Or at least I will, for the next slightly under 2 years.

You kinda lose the moral highground and "I care for gays" brownie points when you imply that all gays are brainwashed into being victims.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you've never been to Europe. My experience is that it's always people who believe the insane Fox News/Breitbart shite about Muslim only zones, but have never been to Europe who make these claims. Because if you go to England/Sweden/Europe in general, you'll see that it's simply

Oh right, my bad. I haven't seen the special yet. I thought it all made perfect sense, so when the review say "He apologizes to the crowd for doing a caricature of a Chinese person. None of this quite makes sense" I got confused. That'll teach me to comment without thinking (NB, it will not)

I saw this live and it sounds like they cut the explanation for the racist voices. I can't do it justice obviously, but the gist is he used to do characters old man (stereotypical blues voice) and quiet man (stereotypical Chinese voice) when he was telling his infant kids bedtime stories. Then they got older and the

Abso-fucking-lutely. X-Men could be the comic of #resistance. But the writers need a clear take. The best X-Men runs have a vision for what the titles should be, but that's been gone since Bensis' run ended. Love it or loathe it, "The original X-Men travel to the present day, which for them seems like a DoFP style

One morning in my first year of university I had a terrible hangover but no classes, so I was very upset when someone in a dorm room beneath me started blasting music at 8AM. I begrudgingly admired their excellent taste tho. By track 3 I realised it was a hell of my own making- unbenownst to me my ex from my hometown

It continued to be very entertaining and entertaining on a scene by scene basis, but in general it was meandering and lacking a clear goal for the protagonist.

I don't like Crue's music, but the Dirt is a brilliant read, much like The Game. Writing great books about terrible men is Neil Strause's gift/curse.

Netflix produce enough stuff that I'm happy enough to write off some of their content as Not for Me/Total Shite/Adam Sandler films.

Old answer - Trick question, Lemmy is God.

But how does that work? Lost''s greatest weakness (lack of planning) was also it's greatest strength. It was frustrating watching it ramble in different directions, but had it all been written I'm advance they couldn't have turned Emmerson's brief guest spot into an integral part of the show.

" I don’t feel like I’ve done my job unless I’ve discovered the literary equivalent of fatal poison and died accordingly. This Is It! is literary poison with no antidote. Yet I happily consumed it all the same"

Yeah that bugged me. I get dramatic convenience and all, but realistically even if they'd shot a 47 minute, multi location film in a week, a first film like that would spend a good year or two in post. After copious pickups, a "not final cut" with no sound mix and lots of "insert shot of x" title cards would be

Probably a little late on this, but Mangold has said it's a tribute to the classic Silvestri cover of Logan being crucified (in an issue featuring Donald Pierce and the Reavers no less) It's a beautiful cover, even if it has the classic invisible feet trope.

What makes that even more tragic than all the obvious deep social problems involved, is that it's ADR. He doesn't need 50+ goes to get one unbroken take, he can just stitch it together from multiple takes.

"Help me Uncanny Valley CGI Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."

Isn't one of the loopholes intelligence agencies exploit that they can monitor any international communicator? That used to mean international phonecalls, but now usefully covers almost all internet traffic.

I think the cover looks great, with appropriately scratchy pencils and flat colouring, but the interiors don't look retro to me at all.