
I briefly thought they meant the Garth Ennis comic. A James Gunn version of that would be amazing. A perfect match of sensibilities, goofy, extreme but with an unexpected amount of heart.

In Ireland the wake is in the person's house, usually the day after their death. Its usually one or two nights, til the funeral, which is genearly three days after death. It's a nice tradition because it gives the deceased's family some hosting duties. Keeps you busy so you don't have that awful empty house this for a

Sure he can be over enthusiastic about announcing rivets too quickly, but he's also managed to get a bunch of stuff off the ground. Even with the failed tv shows and unmade features, he's still written and directed 2 movies and a Web series and a section in an anthology film, all in the last 3 years. Tusk and Yoga

It's that annoying Carrie Bradshaw at a laptop inverse sentence thing that's entirely meaningless.

Didnt they put the show on at a later time last season? That seemed to be a disaster. Though i thought once catchup came through the numbers weren't far off previous seasons. People love running the "viewers down" narrative but that's pretty much universally true for overnights and shows like Who do really well on

Perhaps if a comic about Captain America turning evil and infiltrating a super spy organisation is too close to the real world for you, then the issue might not be with the comic.

It can be two things?

No one can open a movie on their own anymore, not even Hanks, but stars still have power with the right vehicle. Gosling has a lot of fans who will turn up for a film that looks fun and has oscar buzz., who might not show up for the same film with Miles Teller.

It's a bit scary that they've "glitched" Michael Ian Black's petition. I know it's a dumb joke, but it suggests they're happy to manipulate those Whitehouse.gov petitions. What other signatures have they ignored?

Hey, they almost went to an arcade. That's pretty 80s.

Yeah, it didn't help that the arbitrary time leaps meant that the First Class characters are all supposed to be in their 40s in Apocalypse and they blatantly are not.

Except comics nerds hated Apocalypse because it's a terrible film. Singers made some good X-Men films but there are a lot of the elements of the comics that he doesn't seem to get. Apocalypse struck me as a film by someone who doesn't love the goofy aspects of the comics, trying to give fans what he thinks they want.

You and a significant portion of the population. However due to the Troubles, the NI economy has never been strong. At the moment there's no way the Republic coils support us financially, unless Europe decides to pay for us.

For the record, the guy's name is Mike Costa. He wrote a pretty decent Midnighter comic book but almost everything since has been GI Joe or Transformers comics which hold no appeal to me.

As a Northern Irish person who lived in the South for a bit, I disagree. I found there are a lot of people who don't think people from Northern Ireland are really Irish.

I understand that it's cheap animation, but those designs are fecking terrible. I've worked on animated tasters/pilots with budgets in the low 5 figures that have much better character design. Fuck, half my animator friends did better work at uni with no money. Decent design doesn't cost much at all.

He and Merchant don't work together anymore. I know they collaborated on Life's Too Short but I think in general that Gervais' work has suffered from a lack of the realism, empathy and plotting that Merchant brought. Similarly, stuff like Hello ladies just wasn't that funny or energetic without Gervais.

Totally agree. The realism and comedic context are gone. They're also a bit too "good". Like the point is, Brent's deluded. But the songs are well written, catchy and slickly produced in a variety of genres. This doesn't seem like the material a talentless and delusional man would produce. The only drawback is

Would they bother with having such a cool moment to such a tertiary character? Surely they'll do what they did in Avengers 2 and Ultron's origina and give the cool moment to the established big name.

The Office UK is an all time classic and Gervais gets a pass for life for it. That said, Life on the Road is fucking terrible. He clearly needs Merchant's help.