
Oddly, Garth Ennis' "The Slavers" arc on the Punisher is the best fictional depiction of sex slavery I've seen by a long shot. It's well researched, unflinching and incredibly grim. It's one of the best comics I've ever read and I have no urge to ever read it again. It's makes the Wire look optimistic.

Yeah Red State has so much promise. It's flawed but ambitious, experimental and as far as I remember, reasonably well put together. Tusk and Yoga Hosers feel like they should have been short web sketches on Funny or Die or something. Smith doesn't know the internet video world so he did them the only way he knows how;

I know these sort of lists don't do blockbusters but there's a real lean towards plotless "tone poem" type films here. I'd have loved to have seen a shout out to the brilliant Sing Street or the hilarious and touching Hunt for the Wilderpeople (Empire Magazine's film of the year.) Nice to see Green Room in there.

It's amazing how he's regressed as a filmmaker. Like he repeatedly crosses the line to no intentional effect. Over half the film is just the camera dollying from left to right and back again. It must be frustrating for a DP, tho I'd say Smith is a pleasure to work with.

Yeah, agreed. I don't want to live in a world withour popcorn and slushies. Just try not to consume them so much at the quiet bits. It's all about timing.

I really liked Ghost World, but Velvet Glove was just too damn surreal for my tastes. Not knocking it, it just wasn't my cuppa. Is there any other Clowes I should be reading? Preferably on the slice of life end of things.

To be fair, what's he supposed to say? "You're right, this popcorn blockbuster's premise is ludicrous, let's change it to improve realism and scientific accuracy?"

I'm a die hard Cameron Crow apologist and I endorse that decision 100%.

She's great in Roadies, despite being Manic Poochie Dream Girl. She made a character sympathetic when her biggest conflict is whether to tour with her frinds and favourite band or attend NYC film school as personally invited by Spike Lee. Plus she skateboarded constantly. And yet she wasn't loathsome. Now that's

Kudos for that. It's not easy to admit you wrote something dumb online, even though we all do it at some point. Owning it and apologising is a classy move that a lot of us, myself included, could learn from.

Yeah, I'd have thought a geek haven like the AVClub would be above sweeping dismissive generalisations about comic books.

Sometimes those movies deliver what they should tho. Garfields movies were following up the Raimi Spider-man films, which were made with huge amounts of affection for the character. Similarly the Civil War version "gets" the character. If you loved Spider-man and you were expected that situation and quality, only to

There are several key ingredients:
1 - He has an hour of TV uninterrupted by ads (and only the shortest of intro monologues). This removes the "I have 6 minutes to plug the film, tell my anecdote and fuck off"

I would buy the "Sansaire Sous Vide Immersion Circulator ($175) and Searing Kit ($159)" but I already have a George Foreman.

Complaining about a Foreman not being good for big dinners and fine dining is like complaining your kettle is a shitty way to heat soup.

Since the predators were largely radio and light entertainment folk, the actual classics like Only Fools and Horses, Fawley Towers, the Young Ones, Python, Blackadder etc are all still gold. Thank Christ.

Potentially, but given that Blade Runner is almost 35 years old, I'm happy to see them play in that sandpit. Especially if it can encompass half the gloriously OTT madness of the original comic.

That gives them carte blanched to work from tho. The comic has a feel close to Crank, but you could easily turn it into something like Total Recall or even Blade Runner.

In a world where Fantastic Beasts and Doctor Strange will be two of the biggest films of the year, he can definitely be the lead in an action film. Post Potter and Iron Man, you don't need to be built like Arnie to anchor an action movie. If you don't want to call those action films, then the genre is no longer

I wasn't sure if A lister was the right term, but i figure two best actor noms back to back, with a win, puts him at the top of any prestige drama list. He'll have his pick of the top directors to work with. He hasn't got a hit franchise yet but he hasn't really tried before. When he does a few massive Harry Potter