
While I get your point, there's a touch of the "no true Scotsman" about that argument.

Despite him claiming to like the idea, I have a hard time beliving that a Holywood A lister would really want to spend a few years playing the Doctor. For a start, he has four more incredibly lucrative Fantastic Beast films to do, plus all those prestige drama offers off the back of his Oscar win. Doctor Who pays fuck

In my experience, something being cliched doesn't preclude it being heartfelt. I've worked with a bunch of people like Anna on films like Holidaysburg, and they always meant every beat. Those scenes of staring out a window longinly, going for wistful walks or having stilted, earnest conversations were frequently

There's also Awkward, High Maintenance and Broad City. As other have pointed out, a lot of comedians and writers are discovered there, like Bo Burnham.

Depending on who your friends are, Facebook can be fun and informative. I can see links, jokes, stories, petitions that I'd otherwise miss. My friends and I organise most social events thru facebook. My mate who doesn't use FB keeps getting accidentally forgotten. I've got a few decent media jobs through a local

XStatix would make a great TV series. To be honest, all of the XMen team books would be much better served as tv shows this movies. Take the time to do the ensemble character work and soap opera elements properly.

Clone saga is one of those stories where the comics were shite but it's ripe for a movie adaptation. Like Civil War, the core idea is pretty solid.

It doesn't seem likely to me to fail. Marvel Studios clearly have a strong hand in this version of the character and their track record is totally impeccable at this point, at least financially. Marvel and Holland's new take on the character impressed both sceptical fans and a bored public in a very few short scenes

Holy shit, that's amazing. And depressing. The thought of an old, sellout, alt right Hicks is really grim.

It's like a half remembered Bill Hicks tribute act put thru google translate a dozen times by a lonely and confused 14 year old alt right alien. But not as awesome as that sounds.

116 to 129 of xforce, then it was continued but relaunched as xstatix. All of it is well worth a read bit the consensus seems to be that it lost a little steam later in the run. A list of the collections is here. Enjoy. And don't read the abI've article until you do as it's incredibly spoiler filled.

Which way did he vote? Does the film cop out and leave it as an unresolved cliffhanger?

There are a couple of Superman standalone books that play well with new readers. Secret Identity, Man for all Seasons and Birthright are all well worth a look. Oh and the meta but lovely and heartbreaking It's a Bird.

My bran utterly fails to remember which one ends in e and which one ends in s. Partially because even though I think the show is genius, I think the change in spelling is super pretentious. Mostly because my brain doesn't work well.

It's one of the few shows on tv to show a semi realistic portrayal of poor black people, the institutional racism they face and how broken the society is. The prison episode of Atlanta is hilarious but also a damming indictment of the American judicial system. If it was just black folk I'd have said that it was Louie

I agree, except it's not just the die hard fans they're getting. You don't get BVSDOJ or Suicide Squad numbers by only appealing to us nerd types. Their marketing is fooling Joe Public on massive scale.

I think the common "The Wire meets Louis" is probably more accurate, but I get what he's trying to say.

You really don't think he's any good in Atlanta?

Imagine someone saw Hard Candy and thought that Ellen Page was the bad guy.

It has three looks; that Mars one, then fairly quickly it gets into military base sci-fi stuff and then later into gothic hellscape. The easiest thing to do is quickly skim through a speedrun. It's not really a game that can be spoiled.