
Unfortunately that's true of almost all media jobs.

Oh, in that case, that non-clone bastard deserved to not die!

That clone bastard deserved to die!

Amazing showbiz anecdote time: I met him Reynor very briefly at a charity fundraiser for disabled kids in Dublin a couple of years ago. He was pleasant and friendly.

I think it's the collating a pitch and a logline that bugs me. Anyone can say "Bourne Identity with stoners" but the actual pitch will be 15 minutes detailing all the ins and outs of the story. Regardless of how high concept or dumb the script is, the actual pitch is harder than a lot of folk think.

It's because he's one of the few screenwriters who pitches publically. Presumably because he's young and au fait with social media. Pitching well is much, much harder than it looks, so it's notable to see how good he is at it. Not everyone who praises him for that agrees he has no artistic ability.

Yeah, pitching is a skill and part of your job as a writer. Of course being good at it is something to be proud of. It's telling your story verbally, which requires you to know your stucture, the characters, the pace etc. I work in factual tv but I've a few pro writing credits. I and many if my peers would love to be

Except that he has talent. He may annoy a lot of people, but Chronicle is a really good movie and American Ultra is pretty well written, though the director needed a much firmer hand on the tone. I'm not saying he's Robert Towne or that he hasn't benefitted from his start in life, but he's got the fundamentals down,

Eeeep! Don't show us the fourth wall. It seems so wrong. That armchair, plant and coffee table are non-canonical.

The problem with Man of Steel* isn't necessarily that Superman can't be involved in a fight with casualties. It's that in said scenario, he must appear to give a flying fuck.

Isn't pretty much all rock "Dad Rock" now? Does that much actual rock music make it into the young people's charts?

I think my attitude comes from a revulsion to a lot of fandom. I love videogames and comic books, but if I thought all gamers or comic nerds resembled people on 99% of message boards, I'd call for an ethnic cleansing. 80% of the geeks I've met in real life are lovely people, it's not fair to judge them by the weirdos.

Chances are those Bay fans also like Star Wars and Marvel movies and loads of other things I like. And all that matters is what I like. Treating pop culture like a tribe or club to belong to is the kind of teenage bullshit most people get over when they hit 20 and realise "Gee, I never would have given this album a

"It's liked by douches" is a terrible argument against any pop culture. I'm sure a lot of arseholes love the Rolling Stones and Die Hard, but fucked if they're not both great.

I can't speak for most of it, but Van Lente's A&A run was great fun. Just well done superhero comics, with a nice pace, funny gags and enough twists to keep me entertained. I wasn't initially interested, but a friend loaned it to me and i'm very glad he did.

You joke, but my house got a comprehensive sword policy after the following exchange.
Me: "Man, you really shouldn't mess with that, it's really sharp"
Housemate "I know how sharp it is. But look."
We repeat variations 3 times in a row.
He spins sword. Fails to catch it.
Housemate: "I'm bleeding quite profusely"

I don't see how a Rogue One cameo would work, given that it takes place just before ANH. Do they expect us to buy that these people are one year away from being Harrison Ford in 1976? I'm going to be constantly reminded that this film is imaginary and didn't happen a long time ago.

I don't buy that they used the iPhone for technical reasons. It is a bit of a gimmick if you have the money for fancy anamorphic lenses. By the time you have the lenses, filters and adapters, you'd be better using a 5D or an A7s or something that's only marginally bigger than an iPhone. You'd have a much higher image

Agreed. So let's not just pretend it's feminists.

Those videos are no more proof that feminism is bad than they are proof that all men with beards are whiny, over-sensitive lovers of strawmen.