
The fact that this is this profile's only comment gives it a strange air of plausibility.

"the film disappointingly ditches the cartoonist’s modest visual formula for a photorealistic 3-D playground"
I was going to give off about misusing the word photorealistic, but then I pictured the reviewer looking like a Schultz drawing and I couldn't be annoyed anymore.

Legion is a broad, blank canvas for someone like Hawley to work with, despite generally being silly and overwrought in the comics. I have decent hopes for that, especiallly on a network like FX.

That's a shame. His Avengers was rubbish but I've his All New/Uncanny X-Men is a fun, pacey time travel story that I've really enjoyed. The soap opera teen madness of the X-Men is a much better fit for him than the relatively serious epics that usually suit the Avengers.

I realise I'm being that guy, but these videos need to be authentic to be funny. The art style, resolution and movement all look nothing like a 90's fighting game. It's a cute idea, but it should have been done in pixel art, not whatever this floaty, browser game, Flash animation style is.

Yeah, I've experimented with first person POV in a few shorts. One of the first things we learned was to set the GoPro to medium FOV, as the wide is disorientating.

I don't think anyone was really claiming it's reinventing the wheel. I love the movie, though I totally understand why a lot of people don't. But dismissing it out of hand seems a bit pointless.

Yes, stripped of all context and without any understanding of character dynamics, desires or relationships, it's not very exciting. But that's true of pretty much any non-action scene.

RTE ie (Irish news agency) are claiming that Aaron Paul has the role. Which would be great.

"Parts of it were okay, but it veered too much into just being uncomfortable and a bit too much." - The sketch or the Nazi Party?