
It’s not really a big deal that 1500 people stayed after the game. They had to wait for their dad to shower, meet with the media and impregnate his wife before they could go home.

Wow. He really did expose his sole in those shots.

I'm pretty sure you don't have to be gay to be attracted to Chris Evans.

You sound like you probably watched the game. Me too and I enjoyed it a lot! Which is why I specifically used the words “to” and “actually” and “watch”

Fuck this dude. He sounds like an annoying asshole.

ESPN’s “Bad Boys” 30 for 30 documentary includes the passing of Dumars’ father. As one of the few people knowing of Dumars’ father’s death, Isiah Thomas very poignantly and memorably recollects the situation.

Whenever I’ve left a job by mutual agreement, the boss said, “You’re fired,” and I said, “If that’s the way you feel, I don’t want to work here anymore.”

Good for Daniel. Congrats on having the best Victor Cruz Halloween costume that I’ve ever seen.

No one gives a shit.

You know who else was a frisky, “small” QB that early in his career was constantly yo-yo’d on and off the bench? Drew Brees.

Unless the Texans can make a good quarterback turnip, they're going to keep getting beet.

First Dawkins, now Malone. If you believe in Heaven, they’ve got a helluva front court up there now.

Belichick first explained away the headset malfunctions by calling it a “pretty common” glitch,

The series turned when Kerr decided to play David Lee instead of Bogut or Ezeli at the end of Game 3. The Warriors just can’t have a big in the game who’s not an offensive threat in this series. As long as either Draymond or Lee are playing center, they’re able to spread the court and get enough spacing to more

300lbs? Did they weigh him on the moon?

+ embarrassed, uncontrollable tears

Having Delonte West as a step-grandfather would be pretty awkward.

To be fair to Nene:

1) That’s a terrific rebound by Horford, flying in and ripping it away.

This is the absolute dumbest solution.

All of London sighs plaintively.