
lol, great joke. enjoy your latest bengals playoff meltdown. its more than you deserve.

oh wow, albert fucking einstein, this one. People make do with what they have.

only thing worse than overzealous sports fans are the people who laugh from their pedestals of.....what, exactly? being less of a fan makes you better?

Cant stop cackling at the sight of JJ redick scurrying across the background of jamals interview

really dont understand the brunch hatred on kinja sites. brunch is great. I love being drunk at midday on a saturday while I hoover down some croissant french toast. no I dont have a probem.

I wasn’t; that comment is just recycled and repeated moreso than just about anything on this site. keep up, buck

if you were to make a composite image of every gawker comment every, it would probably look something like yours.

i’d read a little more about O’Brien, specifically about his son Jack. The guy doesnt lack for compassion, the hit didnt look like anything special and he took Hoyer out as soon as he thought something was wrong.

what is it about all gawker run media sites that results in this level of self-important complaining? they dont have to do your job for you. The calls for sympathy are pathetic.

wait for real????? this friday? holy shit thats awesome

fuck man, same. his highlight videos were one of the first things that ever got me excited about rugby.

this is fucking clickbait drivel.

can you even read? he didnt mention a university

oooooh youre so brave, yelling into the echo chamber

Joe Who?

not really, I’m a steelers fan. you’re just dumb.

almost as if the changing of the guard has been a positive?????????????????????????

have you been following them at all?