
Last year I got a purse at the KS outlet (again! I may have a problem) a hot pink fuscia number on sale for $75. Whenever I carry it the color instantly lifts my mood and many people comment on it. Very eye catching.

The KS purses can be pricey but honestly, they are so well made and classically shaped that you can carry them for years. I have some that are eight and nine years old and they still look great. The inexpensive purses I’ve bought? They maybe last a year before they look all hoopty.

Last week I was at a Kate Spade outlet and got an ADORABLE black bag on sale for TWENTY SEVEN DOLLARS.

I agree completely - Philly has never posed a problem for me. Easy to navigate, lines go quick, decent shops/restaurants if you need to waste some time.

I will sign on with the Heathrow hate. My first overseas flight was into Heathrow. Each of the employees I talked to told me I was at a different gate. Wandered around the complex for about 3 hours with a MASSIVE bag trying to find my boyfriend who was picking me up (actually he was the asshole who never checked where

You watch this every time it is on because it is AMAZINGLY AWESOME.

I just tried this with my LG Tribute and didn’t have the feature anywhere. Disappointing.

According to my Italian boyfriend, I am forbidden from bringing any owl shaped items into our home because "everyone knows they are cursed and bring bad luck."

Ahhhhhhh! Drat! White wine for this one :) Was it still tasty, though purple??

Chicken thighs cooked in wine and lemon, served with white rice and green beans. The sauce gets nice and thick and clings to the chicken with the sides adding a nice balance. Also, it cooks in like 30 minutes. Everyone loves it.

Good gracious Gerrard! Last year you cost Loser pool the league and this year you screw up the Champion's League! Impressive!

When looking at colleges many years ago three all female colleges were in my top 5 list. I ended up chosing Hood College (all female liberal arts outside DC) because they offered me a tremendous scholarship. I will mention here that the state school I applied to as a back up (Penn State) offered me nothing because

I would be willing to believe that if he didn't come off like an ass in interviews too.

Preach. I own approximately 17 tubes of original black label Chapstick at all times. I stash them everywhere so I will always have one nearby when I need a little spruce.

Preach. I own approximately 17 tubes of original black label Chapstick at all times. I stash them everywhere so I

She has her head so far up her own ass ....

Yes, Denzel. He looks like such a pill and I find his acting boring.

Leilei Sobieski (because of that ridiculous 9/11 poem she did on the Tonight Show), Ethan Hawke and Denzel Washington.

The hell you say. Last Starfighter is the shit.

Uh ... That would be my former house. My (now ex) husband really pushed for us to buy and stop throwing money away by renting. I was hesitant for many reasons like the permanence of settling in one place, tying up so much money a month in mortgage and upkeep (you are NEVER done upgrading a house, and just giving up