

I am wearing my 10 years old Birks RIGHT NOW.

Awwww! That is such a sweet offer! But your sons could be MY SONS - if I had had any children, that is :)

Can I be friends with your friend???

My sister!

I'm petite and busty so it ends up being both. Leaning over to be "careful" sometimes means that I just end up plopping them on the plate!

I love powdered donuts myself and always end up looking like I've dunked my head in a vat of cocaine after indulging.

A blessing and a curse. Blessing and a curse.

And no way to be sly about its retrieval. You just gotta rearrange everything and fish around.

And doesn't it get itchy???

Oh i know. So often I look down at my cleavage and think what the hell is THAT?? There's always something lurking in there ..

I once spent 15 minutes talking to a board member at a work function ... and afterwards realized that my left one had been sitting in mashed potatoes and gravy. The left one is so goddamn unruly.

ooph. I was married to that. Horrible 15 years.

I always consider a meal a success if I just end the meal without food all over my tits.

Feh. I can have liquor all the time. Sherbert and 7-Up punch?? That shit is special.

I don't know that "like" is the right word but it does feel nice to go to a wedding and not feel as if the couple is trying to impress everyone there with their giant expensive wedding.

Totally an appropriate user name for this topic!!

I like to buy pretty undies with the option of wearing them. But frankly i find them uncomfortable.

My ex always asked why I bothered buying new underwear when I rarely wore them. Boom.