
I rarely get them, but when I do I put microwaved hot compresses on them to draw all the muck to the top and gently squeeze till they explode. I swear to God the release can make me lightheaded with satisfaction. And then I spend some time marveling about how ONE TINY HAIR can cause so much grossness and

I know I'm wrong - SO VERY WRONG! - for enjoying videos like this but UNGGGGGGHHHHHHH I can actually feel the pressure release when we works one out. I wish I had some ingrown hairs I could pluck out. I'll just need to go biore strip my nose ..

I know I'm wrong - SO VERY WRONG! - for enjoying videos like this but UNGGGGGGHHHHHHH I can actually feel the pressure release when we works one out. I wish I had some ingrown hairs I could pluck out. I'll just need to go biore strip my nose ..

We have the non-geek thing in common as well :)

This video was directly responsible for my ill-fated foray into purple eyeshadow. I never blamed Whitney though. Just my own stupidness for even thinking I could copy La Houston.

After seeing this video I wanted to be her. SO. BAD.

Simply because I don't recall a man ever announcing to me that they were a geek. They are more apt to classify themselves as "nice guys." If it makes you feel better, I'm suspicious of that as well. :)

My suspicion mostly stems from how apparently every female I meet now self-characterizes as a "geek." Being a geek is just the thing now.

I bought the box set. Some of the best money I ever spent on a DVD set :)

There is never a time when Schoolhouse Rock is not pertinent to a discussion.

Ever since the sorority girl cunt-punt letter, I only want Michael Shannon to do dramatic readings. I'm so spoiled.

Oh I fear that the option of having a little Lily or Charlotte is past me at this point, but both names were on the short list at one point :D

I am immediately suspicious of any woman that calls herself a "geek."

I've always loved both Lily and Charlotte. Unfortunately, I think they are both "popular" names now.

Every time I see "Versace," I hear Nomi Malone from Showgirls pronouncing it wrong.


No, no, no!!! Do not apologize! Because if there is no current Leather Weapon series, I am TM'ing it right now :D :D :D

I know "Leather Weapon 2" is a typo but oh my lord, but that has to be a porno, right? They couldn't have missed that opportunity for all these years, RIGHT???

Is this really a big deal? I have a reputation of deleting people all the time and I never give it two thoughts. I've had people ask me why I've done it too and I am always pretty open about it.

You just do it.