
I consider L&O to be the mashed potatoes of TV: comforting and I don't have to think about it too much. I enjoy the show quite a bit. Until Ohrbach left. Then I gave up on it.

I would consider not having The Help/Nicholas Sparks Brigade recommend this a good thing. I hated The Help and find Sparks' books cheese in the extreme. As it is, I loved this book and told lots of friends about it, most of whom read it and liked it as well.

OMG .. is he really like this in person???

Or for even more whipersnappers - the crazy director guy from Boomerang.

Ahhh ... but see now I looked Cloud Atlas up on Amazon and would be PREPARED for the changes. I was unspoiled for Study in Scarlet :D

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this person? If the amount of time and energy she puts into being "edgy" and "artistic" could be harnessed we could probably tackle that cold fusion problem.

Good lord ... I want to call up all my SAHM friends right now and urge them to protect themselves somehow, someway.

The number of truly shitty people having kids is just heartbreaking, isn't it? And I commend you and any other currently pregnant people: If I was pregnant I would be crying and freaking out from the moment I saw the positive sign on the stick. And the private part issue? All I will say is just make sure they don't

I should probably clarify. Healing and art and social injustice are all wonderful things, but unfortunately not everyone in the world is capable of feats like that. However, most of the world can have a child.

God. I wish I could say that I learned about smegma on Wikipedia. She is very lucky :-/

I totally get your anxiety and you are right, there is an EXTREME amount of pressure put on women (usually by other women sadly enough) to stay at home. I've never felt the mommy-pull, so whenever I have supported women going back to work, I've been accused of "just not liking kids." Nothing could be further from

I agree 100% with your thoughts. Luckily this will probably never have to be something I worry about since my fiance and I have agreed not to have any, but in addition to the financial risks and time off work, I have never felt that I would be one of those women who would even make a good SAHM. It truly is a calling

Well, I certainly hope there was more than just that passage. Not that I EVER condone book banning but if they are going with the offensive to the religion angle, it really doesn't show Mormons (including Smith) in a good light. At all.

When reading this story I got totally confused by the abrupt change in the middle from a mystery to a travelogue of a desert. I was convinced that I had somehow gotten a copy that had been constructed with two separate books.

I have always thought that even if a majority of your pay is going into daycare, does it makes sense long-term to be a stay-at-home mom? After all, your child is in daycare for approx. 4 years, yes? That means being out of the work force for 4 years. Four years where your contemporaries are still working and

First you reference Choose Your Own Adventure Books, and now this post.

Thank you for this screen shot. Awesome orgasm face.

I dream of Pam killing Tara. How Tara has managed to NOT be killed this far is beyond me.

Well ... that's ok but it is still all about English football for me. All those lovely lean men and at the end of matches they all take off their shirts. Nice.

Now playing

I imagine this is what their proposal looked like ...