Fair enough! I imagine he knows Amber Heard well enough to know how she’d react. My reaction would not have been “go on a television show and laugh about it”, so I do judge based on that (though some of my previous comment is hyperbole, admitted)
“just like the cool, nice guy you always imagined Momoa to be.”
Oh god, with lies about everything. Like no, Karen, you can’t actually “never buy avocados again” by sprouting that avocado pit. It’ll take like twenty years to even get a decent tree and will probably never fruit.
Pretty much all infant pants are just tiny little leggings
I’m in that exact age group. My husband STILL tries to buy me shit from the Pink line, which I have repeatedly told him is for teenagers and I can’t stand.
Thought or wished?
Blood thinners are for blood clots, not blood pressure. Otherwise, yasss
That’s funny, I too think no sacrifice is too great.. to prevent my daughter from being sexually assaulted at some point in her life.
I work two jobs, my husband works full time and goes to school for his RN. We can’t afford daycare. Our daughter is watched by a cobbled together combination of his mom, his dad (both live nearby), my mom, occasionally my dad (both live 3 hours away), and sometimes friends who feel sorry for us and we pay with beer or…
I’ve been a donut-lover for 28 years and it’s a huge part of what makes my marriage work. It can work for you too!
Mayo is the superior condiment. Miracle Whip is gooey garbage. FIGHT ME.
I worked a Generic Office Job for a very small company (3 other people + the boss) one summer. I came in one day and my boss informed me we had to spend the day moving the entire office, furniture and all, to another office space three floors up. I was tasked with moving his office contents, and in the process to sort…
Game Over Man. I know it’s supposed to be stupid, but... ugh.
Healthcare too. Lab and nursing, for example, require externships which are (almost) always unpaid, but thankfully shorter in duration, though even a short duration - mine was 6 months - is difficult to swing when you still have to work to support yourself in addition to your extern hours.
For real. Plants are my thing and it makes me kind of inappropriately angry to see things like “Rare Rainbow Tomato Seeds” that are, uh, genetically impossible and obviously photoshopped.
Well it’s not like Amazon does anything to curtail very obvious scam items on Amazon Marketplace either so.. I guess I’m not surprised, but goddammit Amazon, can’t you do better?
Seconding a gift receipt. Sometimes when you’re making a registry you don’t really know what you need/want, so it’s not the end-all of what that kid should have. But since a lot of stuff is really dependent on the parent’s personal preferences you can’t go wrong with a gift receipt.