Holy Mother Forking Shirt Balls

Diapers and wipes, mostly.

That’s what’s so infuriating. Every gun owner is assumed to be a responsible gun owner until they prove they’re not, often irreparably. How do you ever know who will go on to do something stupid when they just haven’t done the stupid thing yet? Ugh.

Only tangentially related: I met an older gentleman this year who does first aid at various events around Minneapolis. He said that, by far, it’s the country concerts over any other genre where more people get stupid drunk, belligerent, and hurt.

It took my husband a couple years, tbh, to be able to say the actual words. And that was after a teary breakdown on my part. He’s worked on better communication since then and I worked on reading his nonverbal signs. I don’t think it’s, on its own, a red flag. But if you try to talk about it, what happens? Does the

“I bought a crummy electric kettle. They must not work in America.”

Right there in the article:

Except you shouldn’t be using antibacterial soap?