
What happened then and what is happening now isn't exactly unrelated.

It's like they know that CSI: Miami is simply the worst. As is BBT. I Love Lucy, however, is practically public domain- that's a pretty smart move.

It's like they know that CSI: Miami is simply the worst. As is BBT. I Love Lucy, however, is practically public domain- that's a pretty smart move.

Bill Hader voices him?? Up until now I assumed it was French Stewart.

Bill Hader voices him?? Up until now I assumed it was French Stewart.

Lemme guess, calling something "white" isn't a valid form of criticism, right? Because there's no way, in 2012, systematic racism still exists, and most certainly films marketed toward a specific demographic would not likely attempt to reinforce these dynamics of power by illustrating racialized and gendered examples,

Lemme guess, calling something "white" isn't a valid form of criticism, right? Because there's no way, in 2012, systematic racism still exists, and most certainly films marketed toward a specific demographic would not likely attempt to reinforce these dynamics of power by illustrating racialized and gendered examples,

Spent Saturday and Sunday watchingTerriers (4 episodes to go!)- how the hell did I not catch on to this show sooner?? It's so damn good.

Spent Saturday and Sunday watchingTerriers (4 episodes to go!)- how the hell did I not catch on to this show sooner?? It's so damn good.

Packing my bags right now!!

Packing my bags right now!!

I'm convinced Gravity Falls is actually the hyperactive little brother version of Twin Peaks.

I'm convinced Gravity Falls is actually the hyperactive little brother version of Twin Peaks.

You're assuming then to have an all-white cast is natural, then? I mean I don't agree with tokenism (tokenism is not diversity), but if Dunham's concern is with representing realities of a generation, she should seek to expand her own tiny, privileged reality. In that case, as representation in media of PoC are sparse

You're assuming then to have an all-white cast is natural, then? I mean I don't agree with tokenism (tokenism is not diversity), but if Dunham's concern is with representing realities of a generation, she should seek to expand her own tiny, privileged reality. In that case, as representation in media of PoC are sparse

Just wondering, as someone who is genuinely impressed, what do you think the writing process is for these? Are they prepared hours or days in advance, or on the spot?

Just wondering, as someone who is genuinely impressed, what do you think the writing process is for these? Are they prepared hours or days in advance, or on the spot?

Do songs from tv shows count? If so, The Jacket by Shallow Gravy.

Do songs from tv shows count? If so, The Jacket by Shallow Gravy.

You gotta admit those Justice Lords certainly knew how to dress themselves. Those costumes were snazzy.