
Not to mention Adore ALREADY wore that wig- the Ru-inspired runway and that wig was noted (not in a good way) by the judges. I know queens reuse stuff week to week, but they don't call attention to it (I didn't even noticed Joslyn's necklace until the fifth or sixth week). It is also not a very good wig. If boy Danny

This episode made me realize that there's a good chance that all the help Bianca had been giving aadore might have been prompted by the producers

it's not a label. it's term challenging the idea that being cisgender is the default. it's not a slur, it's a term used to promote equity. google is your friend.

make that former contestants who are cis. Monica Beverly Hillz and Carmen Carrera, on the other hand, each have explained why the use of the terms is wrong.

haha why are you telling people to be grateful for an "ally" who doesn't represent them? that is some abusive nonsense. logo, by striking the word, is being inclusive and addressing the need to foster a safe community by actually listening to the people who are affected by the word and the violence it is based

Watching laganja watch Alyssa was one of the most horrifying and hilarious things I have ever seen. Ever.

Pardon! Makes sense- two shootings would be way too melodramatic

It was one of Ru's more calculated, obvious, Big Brother moments.

Drake got shot in degrassi, by Rick. JT also got shot, but did not survive #rip

agreed. Magnolia out of drag in the interviews was quite funny too

Magnolia Crawford's unpleasantness was unreal. Phi-Phi on her worst day was still gunning for the top.

i know not everyone's a fan of Kesha, but his 'commentary' on her was so misogynistic and rapey i wanted to puke: "My thoughts on Ke$ha are basically that she is a no-talent skank who can't sing, rap, write, or even rise to the level of being do-able. A complete zero. His position was that she is a millionaire and

and let's be honest here, she and other queens (Willam is a repeat offender) are copping AAVE, or an exaggerated version of what they think it is.

What you mean we live in a meritocracy? Where people just get by solely in the basis of their talent and absolutely no other factors? One more question- do you live under a rock?

tokenizing fat queens, diminishing numbers of queens of color , each year i get more and more angry with this show

(Spoilers? Maybe?) I saw this movie when I just entered college, and the scene where Danny Glover's character exclaimed he didn't know he had to apply for college while his other friends were prepared and got into schools hit me hard- the fear of being unprepared, of being left behind, all of that- I nearly cried. I

Criminal Intent, where they started mixing leads, and really? I find the Jeff Goldblum episodes to be fascinating bc his performance is so otherworldly/disengaged.

("Modern" narratives including Tolkien's work and Jackson's adaptations of it)

Just finished this movie on Netflix, while not the worst movie I've ever seen, it could have been easily more compelling by simply addressing the issues it brought up- Gretel's a witch? How does she feel about that? What is she going to do with these abilities? How does this change both of their understandings of

But not Jeremy Renner's in a scene where it most definitely called for it. W/e