
But not Jeremy Renner's in a scene where it most definitely called for it. W/e

even with his hat on! that was a nice touch

but you can still Other people in the process of making that argument? like two things can happen as a result of one thing I thought that was a basic understanding about how the world works.

"The brief scene near the end with Sisko and the regular crew of the Defiant is almost ridiculously comforting." a million times YES. I remember letting out a breath the moment I saw Sisko sitting relaxed on the Bridge, making rational and competent decisions, with Kira and co. Really smart episode overall (any

"No Good Reason" you're not familiar with the Doll Test? Accounts of what happens when media refuses to represent people of color? The dehibiltating psychological and emotional trauma in erasing people? divserity isn't some faddish professional development buzzword, it's acknowledging people's existance. so there's

My concern is that media outlets such as the av club brush aside the issue and thereby perpetuate it by failing to address it and call it for what it is. I don't know if av club thinks they being progressive or feminist by presenting the issue this way, and if so they definitely failed, especially when her performance

So….nothing on culturally appropriating and bastardizing "twerking," nothing on objectifying and hypersexualizing the bodies of Black women? crickets? heck even the vulture is calling her out for "minstrelsy."

I'd think the AV Club would be progressive enough to know that "spirit animal" when used by non-Native folks, is appropriative and gross. Also putting LeBron James in the position of "animal" in this metaphor is also gross. I thought the AV Club provided cultural critiques, not promoted cultural imperialism.

Speaking of Bobbly Flay, the actress who plays Alexandra Cabot is married to him.

Yeah but Norm Macdonald was a vicious asshole. Bill Hader seems like a pretty cool dude.

oh wow. how to respond properly to such nonsense. lets start with "the best satire mocks the majority." The majority of white people say the same thing you do, that no matter the context they should have access to the word. Sharon Needles, and you, therefore are no different from the majority. You form the majority.

see, im really uncomfortable with the use of the word "satire" here, because satire is supposed to be empowering. All I see with Sharon Needles is someone being disrespectful for the sake of being shocking. If we want to bring in context, Sharon Needles is implicit in white privilege, and the thin claim of satire does

I know- after that I immediately downloaded "Dancing on my Own"- I couldn't believe I didn't have it already.

Yesss! I caught that yesterday, it was really humanizing and endearing (and well-timed :3)

Detox and her unwavering loyalty to Roxxxy really seemed to condemn her and prevent her from doing better. I mean not only is she really is the more talented queen compared to Roxxxy, she's not exactly a pageant girl herself. Seeing the videos she makes online with Willam, and her performances in general, she is

Yes he definitely looked like PhiPhi in drag, out of drag he looked like Ilan from Top Chef.

We got a glimpse of Ryan Renyolds as Wade Wilson. And he did not disappoint imo

I love how Michelle pretty much called the name of Coco's perfume for what it was: poorly executed ass-kissing. I think Coco's choice to do that is just an example of her lack of originality but also shameless manipulation. And I always roll my eyes at the way she talks to RuPaul when she comes in to check on their

Alyssa is a fishy fabulous dork and I love it

Coco has weird reactions to things that make me think she cannot take a joke, even when she's throwing them. Like you can see it in her face and reactions- it's all personal for no god damn reason. This is not the first episode that she's done that too.