
You gotta admit those Justice Lords certainly knew how to dress themselves. Those costumes were snazzy.



That makes a lot of sense. I guess because I figured they already revealed a bit of his past as an orphan, they wouldn't really need to delve too deep into the character. I loved the movie a lot, and I'm glad they hinted as Blake as a successor. The name thing was really the only thing that irked me.

That makes a lot of sense. I guess because I figured they already revealed a bit of his past as an orphan, they wouldn't really need to delve too deep into the character. I loved the movie a lot, and I'm glad they hinted as Blake as a successor. The name thing was really the only thing that irked me.

So his actual name was Robin??? Why?? Did they think people wouldn't recognize Richard "Dick" Grayson, or even Tim Drake? Or even Jason Todd? I guess that means that he would become Nightwing. Because I don't think heroes give themselves their legal names.

So his actual name was Robin??? Why?? Did they think people wouldn't recognize Richard "Dick" Grayson, or even Tim Drake? Or even Jason Todd? I guess that means that he would become Nightwing. Because I don't think heroes give themselves their legal names.

Funny, he raps like Nicky Ménage. This is especially apparent on "German Kid." maybe those inflections universally indicate crappy rapping?

Funny, he raps like Nicky Ménage. This is especially apparent on "German Kid." maybe those inflections universally indicate crappy rapping?

okay i can't edit my mangled comment up there- i typed this on an ipad which is not the smartest thing to do. Anyway, my point was that I don't necessarily think that whether or not Adam had a lot of friends had anything that directly related to him being bullied.

okay i can't edit my mangled comment up there- i typed this on an ipad which is not the smartest thing to do. Anyway, my point was that I don't necessarily think that whether or not Adam had a lot of friends had anything that directly related to him being bullied.

I also take issue with this review- because of the prison rape comment, as well as MacFarland's suggestion that having friends prevents one from being bullied. Oh no, sir. It is having the right kind of friends. Specifically those wide and large enough to form blockades that surround oneself throughout the day.

I also take issue with this review- because of the prison rape comment, as well as MacFarland's suggestion that having friends prevents one from being bullied. Oh no, sir. It is having the right kind of friends. Specifically those wide and large enough to form blockades that surround oneself throughout the day.

What about the live action reboot of Treasure Planet that so many have been waiting for?

What about the live action reboot of Treasure Planet that so many have been waiting for?

Perhaps, but the marital status of a top billing voice actor of a movie does not determine for me, the family friendly nature of a film. Like O'Neal mentions up there, such questions are automatic. The man is plugging his film, it would be cool to ask questions about voice acting or the cast or anything like that, but

Perhaps, but the marital status of a top billing voice actor of a movie does not determine for me, the family friendly nature of a film. Like O'Neal mentions up there, such questions are automatic. The man is plugging his film, it would be cool to ask questions about voice acting or the cast or anything like that, but

This could have been avoided if anyone- seriously anyone with an internet connection that was within a twenty feet radius- did the damn  research. But that aside, why is she asking about his wife and their love life in the first place? Why are these hoary questions still being trotted out? I know this isn't inside the

This could have been avoided if anyone- seriously anyone with an internet connection that was within a twenty feet radius- did the damn  research. But that aside, why is she asking about his wife and their love life in the first place? Why are these hoary questions still being trotted out? I know this isn't inside the

I'm so conflicted about Anderson, especially this movie. I think he's capable of incredibly moving scenes, but the blank-eyed, monotone characters, that seem to be also part of his aesthetic, are incredibly off putting (though Paltrow did so an excellent job). For instance,take Moonrise Kingdom. They don't seem like