
I'm so conflicted about Anderson, especially this movie. I think he's capable of incredibly moving scenes, but the blank-eyed, monotone characters, that seem to be also part of his aesthetic, are incredibly off putting (though Paltrow did so an excellent job). For instance,take Moonrise Kingdom. They don't seem like

So now I really don't feel bad about refusing to watch this show, saves me from sitting through Lena Dunham's dead eyes and her even deader delivery.

TFBK, MLiM, AsCe, OKBS, AWDzX, yeah it's not that hard.

Right, her answer does address a class disparity. However, her answer was a direct response to a question that addressed race: "and that its this rarified white hipster chronicle?" Therefore, as readers, it becomes obvious that race and class, or more specifically, geographical separations of a city due to class

It's like he's never heard of privilege before.

If I was Erik Adams, I'd have a poster of Erik Adams on my wall.

Honestly, his criticism of the show is not all that irrational. I think he genuinely has a good idea of the characters and the aim of the show, and therefore such criticism is not entirely unwarranted.

I was surprised t find that a movie about an assassin kicking ass could be so boring.

Did anyone notice during the door-to-door candle selling montage Mary Margaret trying different faces? I caught both "goofy grin" and "puppy dog."

What? Donuts are not waffles- what madness is this? 

Speaking of waffles- the Nutrigrain waffles with strawberry filling. It was like crack. Sad to see it discontinued. 

maybe that's why the U.S. version was so much more cartoony. The comparison clip really shows how subtle/perfectly timed Katherine Parkinson's performance was.

I think the phrase you're looking for is "Liverpudlian ruffians"

The number of princesses is in this show is comparable to Adventure Time. And that's saying something. 

Ha I was thinking the same thing! I can't believe how happy that made me.

Again, he should of explained it (in some way) as such.  But still, a stereotype is a stereotype.

Agreed. To have just compared them to children would have been enough, and the implication would have been clear. But to say specifically "little girls," without explaining how exactly they can be described as such suggest that little girls behave in ways (different from boys) that we, as a society have agreed upon,

As bad as those specials were, he was by far the best part. As was Hal Sparks and Mo Rocca (I watched them a lot when I was in middle school- I didn't know any better!)