
(Ryan with his hipsten glasses and scarf) RyanHowardI'm RyanHoward! Ryan HowardI'm Ryan Howard!

It's too bad that Regina was using Sidney all along, because it was at that moment I really felt bad for her (you know what- I still feel bad for regardless).

The King was such an asshole. A really creepy asshole. 

are you sure about that? She's been pretty bent on making sure that Mary and David remain distinct entities so far *nudge nudge*

ironic, also, that Stealthy was killed in a very stealthy manner- only he couldn't see it coming.

So evidently once of the dwarves is named  "Stealthy?" I mean, that's fine, I guess. I don't really see the point of it, I would have easily believed that any of the dwarves could sneak in to rescue them, the fact that his name was Stealthy really didn't help.

the dove thing was hilarious.  As MM and David exchanged "discreet" glances I just laughed and laughed at the fact that I'm watching such a poorly written show and I can't seem to to stop somebody help me please.

wait…football is the one where you throw the ball, right?

It was witches

Because comedy, satire, parody (hell, even the structure of stand-up itself) can be employed as this powerful force, it makes sense that women would be denied this for so, so long.

So I just saw the movie- it is true that the lengths to which these people psychologize the characters of Austen's novels is depressing, especially when they attempt to do so in concordance with the events of their own lives. This is a huge no-no in literary discussion.

Christa Miller is/was also on Bill Lawrence's show Cougar Town, playing the same character, essentially, only noticeably more….squintier?

or just Netflix Malcolm in the Middle

I saw the trailer for this a few days ago and it made absolutely no sense- the girl is being taunted in high school because she dresses "differently," which means, according to ABC, she wears darker colors and a red cropped military jacket, which I thought was supposed to be trendy. That's the only difference. She

@Clueless Neophyte Both, maybe? I'm twenty.

my mother, a Rutgers alumna, was her roommate for a semester- no joke. I commute there now- so the chances of befriending a future semi-famous person are woefully scant.

yeah, Mark Gatiss is pretty awesome too (btw has the second series come out yet?) but I am just so curious to see how the dynamic between RDJ and Fry plays out.

But is Stephen Fry good in this? He's the only reason I considered seeing it.

there was something vaguely Sailor Moon-like about that hairstyle.