
This show is basically the only thing my family and I watch on Netflix. We love it- especially McGuirk, whose father-son-best friend relationship with Brendon is so incredibly and unexpectedly sweet.

Glee is a special case because it purports itself to be this indispensable, revolutionary force, which will affect the way critics review it. If you've ever seen the Glee Project and listened to the way Ryan Murphy and his associates depict the show, it's as if Glee both represents and liberates fragile teenage

Gherkins, you incorrigible scamp, don't ever change. 

that song is perfect to listen to if you want to walk anywhere in a jaunty, fast paced manner. 

Who wants to play Guyball?

More groan worthy lives from Regina: "People of Storybrook, do not fear…" after the earthquake/hole appearing. I don't remember the line in its entirety, only the language was really antiquated and weird. I know she's a queen in the fairy tale realm, but why should her language be all hokey and fanciful when she's in

This review made me freak out a little about because 1.) I watched Into the Woods for the first time on Netflix over the break and have been obsessing about it ever since, and 2.) I downloaded "Children Will Listen" into my ipod last night. That's uncanny, is what it is.

"Part of Scott’s maturation process…"  I read that as "Part of Scott's menstruation process" Make of that what you will.

And once again, the evil Queen is ten thousand times more compelling. Though to be fair, many things in this world are much more compelling than Kirsten Stewart.

Please don't try to suggest I am attempting to assert a double standard. Glee has never been an accurate representation of reality, whether it's the way people behave, think, or, in this case, look. Of course a sexual relationship between a minor and an adult is wrong in every sense, but I don't find this image of

I can't really find it creepy, because Puck looks like he's 30 anyway. 

Well if you mean they need to get over their obsession for remaking them, then yes. But other than that, British TV seems to have quality, whether in writing or in acting talent, that is not as common in American television. *sips tea daintily*

Why thank you, don't mind if we do.

Frankly a better question to ask is why not?

It's actually a prosthetic.

Yeah, I figured as much. It just seemed weird to have her resistance to work exhibited in actual pain, and not as a mental thing.  I liked that Mercedes was given the attention, but not so much that it was just her whining about not getting enough attention-which leads her into joining the other glee club- a move that

So…is Mercedes pregnant? I was getting pregnant vibes- either that or a burst appendix.

Peter's appearance at the end- was that written by the American Dad writers? Because I can't decide if his lines were so bad they were on par with the Family Guy writing team, or if they were a barb at everything FG is about now: random lazy jokes and "meta-humor."

Mentiras! Todas mentiras!