holy holes batman

@cycle-ops: Uh how about. He met her at a bar that she used a fake ID to get into.

@Pope John Peeps II: It has sexting in the title, so it's totally tech related. Right... right?

@zeco: Don't bother. This thread is full of fathers that get raging hard-ons at the thought of protecting their daughters.

@iJoe: Actually, it varies from state to state.

@Curves: The law isn't set in stone.

I love this. Since she's 17, he's a sick freak; but if she were a few months older it would have been perfectly ok. I never understood this.

I like.

@hoocli: It's also the first thing people do when they are having a problems. Even my grandmother does that when she's troubleshooting.

@johnnyabnormal: I used to love The Oatmeal; then I found out he was a total asshole.

@iceph03nix: Not once has someone on tech support said anything to me while I'll pointlessly restart.

@dlmac: Your taste-buds are shot.

@jdpont82: no, it did decay. maybe you should watch the video before you comment.

@drstein: French fries are vegan. (not vegan fyi)

Now playing

While we are on the topic of McDonalds. What the hell is wrong with you Australia?

Now playing

Flat out bogus. This article should be deleted. Watch what really happens after just two weeks.

@p8ntballnxj: My ass. My car smelled like something died in it about a month ago. I tracked down the smell to the a tiny piece of diced onion. That one piece smaller than a grain of rice made my car reak after it being there for one day.

@wearyhobo: "CGI is a similar to the impulsive gratification of sex."

Not one comment about Shikamaru. For shame.

@tn544: This guy has been doing this for over 8 years. It's not a school project.

"...I'd have stuck my dick in a NINTENDO."