holy holes batman

Rupert Murdock owns the word sky.

@Mr_Nowitt: spiders and ants are awesome. Roaches can die though.

@roseofmay: That's what I going to say. Once the bees realize that there's something wrong with them they get away from the hive; to avoid infecting the others. Just a guess.

@obbie: I was wondering if anyone would pick that up.

@blue-eyes-whitedragon: What a retarded comment. Clearly you know nothing of windows. 30 seconds in the control panel and look,

@Raven Riley: I'm confused. Are there people who aren't aware of breast cancer?

@alwayslost01: No, you're not. He always seems to be raging whenever I watch his stand up.

@Dreamwriter: Great. Now I wanna incriminate myself just so I can do that.

Samsung intercept on Virgin Mobile.

C'mon Gene... don't fit the stereotype...

@Cromwell: Quite a while. 60TB is a lot of data moving even by my standards Randomly pulling a number out the air... about 10 years under heavy use.

@gnarbiscuit: No LTE or Wimax for Michigan. It's probably because we have no money.

I want a planet with a figure 8 orbit. It gets passed from star to star.

@ToastyUterus: Even if the business is a proprietorship? In the US if you're a proprietorship your personal property is held liable for debts.

Needs more percussion. Go UM. Mostly cause I hate MSU.

@ToastyUterus: Just because you go bankrupt doesn't mean you're waved of all debts.