holy holes batman

No. I cannot. But I can build a $1400 machine with a 27" monitor that would cost $2649 from apple. As for software. Please. You darn well know that a $1500 macbook is being used as a browser. It's like buying a smartphone with all the bells and whistles when all you do is talk and text.

@umdraco: Her head to body ratio make her a cartoon. Relax before you go full retard.

@MacAttack: It wouldn't be the ego getting stroked...

@86LX5.0: "it's people like this when I'm at stop light i wish i could shoot them head"

I know a couple people who bought ipads. They went back to desktops and laptops and gave the ipad to their kids as an expensive toy.

Kansas City, Missouri is going to be very butthurt.

More reasons to hate Top Gear.

@Teknophilia: Why is he taking 6-7 classes in one semester? That's a really really bad idea.

@Gotlactose: I bought some Klipsch Image S4 earbuds and I'm never going back to cheap ones. I noticed a difference right away. You can even forget that you're wearing them they are so comfortable.


"In a lame attempt to direct traffic to their pathetic websites, some sources are now reporting that Geohot has "fled" the country..."

@DavidAndrus: Well in Taiwan they think it's better for 10 innocent people to be imprisoned than to let 1 guilty go free.

@Vishus: ライオン It's written in katakana because it's a foreign word adapted to Japanese.

Now make a chart of how much we spend on these liquids per day.

I've watched the show a couple of times. He looks and sounds like a drunk.