holy holes batman

This just makes my head hurt.

@jetRink: I wasn't getting an annoyed vibe from the replies. I was getting a I loathe you vibe.

@jetRink: Man, everybody is hating this guy. What did he do? He bolded his entire comment? This is what launched everybody in a rage? I mean... seriously? It deserves this much backlash? And did one of you leave a single comment as to what he said? No? In-f*cking-credible.

I'm speechless...

@PACKFAN4LIFE: Because they have to helicopter themselves in. There's no way they're bringing in heavy machinery.

@4th_Dimension: Really? I would poop/pee/throw-up/yell all at once instead.

"It's a unix system."

Cool composites, but I feel lied to...

{"action":"postcomment","success":false,"message":"Your comment cannot be sent due to a security problem."}

Search for police brutality on youtube and research the cases. It's disturbing how much the officers lie about the situation.

@Platypus Man: I know, my insults are truly traumatizing. They've done this thousands of times. Suing people for more money than they could make in a lifetime over a couple songs. And think they are in completely justified in doing so. And what exactly do they do that's really good and beneficial?

@donrhummy: Link didn't work, but I was able to find the video.