holy holes batman

@typica1cat: "Which, is dangerously close to a Cosmic Kansas City Shuffle. "

@jepzilla: That's the first time I heard that. Last I heard when an object approaches the speed of light it gets infinitely heavy which is why it's always referred to as a speed limit.

@jepzilla: Are you on crack? The nearest galaxy is 25,000 light years away. So you'd get there in 25,000 years IF you were also traveling at the speed of light.

@Mike918: I'm still at 0 ipads spotted. I guess people in MI don't really care for them.

@gir: I'm well into the dick territory and proud of it.

@JrsyDevil's Advocate®: I guess so. So if I ever get jury duty I'll just decide if he's guilty based on whether or not they used too many big words.

@Galaxius: We've had DSL and cable available in the area for about 8 years. It has yet to move the extra half mile to the literally 50 homes without internet access. We've been calling AT&T, comcast, and verizon to move their services down just a little further, but they for some reason have no interest in making

@Galaxius: Our internet option is either dial up or mifi at 1mbps and capped at 5GB per month.

Doesn't San Francisco already have good internet speeds? Why not roll it out in area that really needs it?

@oholiab: I'm assuming that's when Larry Page and Sergey Brin first starting working on creating google.

"don't know how to price a gig...we're experimenting. We'll learn."

3D is nice in the theaters, but not at home.

@Norbs: Neckbeards?