You forgot lawmakers weakening the the budget of the office of the IRS that investigates churches that behave politically and penalizes them accordingly. AKA the warm up to the repeal of The Johnson Amendment.
You forgot lawmakers weakening the the budget of the office of the IRS that investigates churches that behave politically and penalizes them accordingly. AKA the warm up to the repeal of The Johnson Amendment.
This. I was enrolled in Catholic school as a kid. That’s where they taught intelligent design, but my parents had to PAY for that.
Every Floridian who is pro-climate science can take their school to task if they start teaching Creation “science”/Intelligent Design.
Unfortunately the mandate helps pay for the ACA.
Ok this one comes with caveats.
We’ve been escalating towards this.
Yeah, all I care about right now is her strengthening her platform and her debate skills so the voting public can not just see a trailblazer but a more than competent politician who will work for them.
Speaking of: Now the pols who haven’t held townhalls for their constituents to chime in on the AHCA are going to now effectively cite this as their excuse to not hold any in their districts.
Desperate times make people do disastrous and dangerous things to retain power.
Wasn’t this the riddle of the Sphinx?
Also: “Now, all of a sudden, I can’t use it (the n-word)?” Ms. Smith said in a phone interview on Friday. “Sorry—I live in a black neighborhood. I came here and didn’t see color.”
Maybe, just maybe, she was only making out with him?
Comey testifies on Monday. #45 will be in Jerusalem that day.
Say what you will about the Trump presidency, but one thing that’s really clear: it is the LAST, death rattled, gasp of the “Mad Men” generation. And good Lord they are fucking shit up for old time’s sake on their way out! But they’re also fucking over their legacy as well.
Is this like Home Improvement except where that show happily made fun of the lead’s simplistic ideas of manhood and masculinity, now they’re being held up as the highest ideal that should be strived for and definitely not criticized cause.... I dunno, Nazism and snowflakes?
We have a system of checks and balances. In this case its the Congress that can start those kinds of proceedings. 2/3 of somebodies have to initiate those checks.
Well that explains her working on the campaign. Now, as an ongoing counselor to the the President?
My friend keeps warning me, that very soon someone with a serious pre-existing condition, feeling they have nothing left to lose, is gonna pull a sequel to the Gabby Giffords shooting.
She thanked her fans for harassing Michael J. Fox, because he got in on a joke Tina Fey and Amy Poehler made about her flirting with his son.