
“Nikki Haley, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, appeared on ABC’s The Week this Sunday and remarked that “having a missile test is not the way to sit down with the president, because he’s absolutely not going to do it...[Kim] can sit there and say all the conditions he wants. Until he meets our conditions, we’re

James Jean also did the mural for the Prada off of Prince St in lower Manhattan in the late aughts. He’s a very well respected fine artist who does a broad spectrum of work, some which comes very flowy,lush and sinewy. He’s also on Instagram. You should check him out.

That reminds me of a story a commenter here told about interning for Halston in the 70s and about the state of returned outfits they lent out to actors for premieres and other events. Needless to say, careless starlets haven’t changed much and wreaking of cigarette smoke is on the lower end of offenses committed in a

Models and other people who are contractually obligated to be thin, are always smoking because of its appetite suppressing abilities. This ain’t new, it’s not a circle, in fact it’s been a straight, uninterrupted line.

Now playing

Maybe you should have bought the Silver? ;)

Maybe you should have bought the Silver? ;)

“insufferable liar”

Have we not all been rolling our eyes collectively everytime Sean Spicer tries to marry logic with a Trump soundbite?

Have we not all been rolling our eyes collectively everytime Sean Spicer tries to marry logic with a Trump soundbite?

“I’ve finally figured out why most of the movies in this franchise aren’t good—the aliens themselves are fundamentally uninteresting.

Now playing

“I have now sat through over four hours of Alien backstory between its 2012 prequel Prometheus and its prequel’s sequel Alien: Covenant (out May 18). I’m now a baby step closer to understanding how the alien of Alien came to be, and at this point, I’m really starting not to care.”

I feel like someone knew about Rothstein’s criticisms of Comey’s handling of Clinton’s email investigation, and connected them with Sessions/White House and gave them the least believable cover to fire Comey.

“also also, congratulations to Rudy Giuliani lmao he’s totally going to be the next FBI director lmao”

“I imagine that a man also came up with the camera angles in the rape scenes on the show. Is there a rape victim that is helped by seeing the scene from above? Does it help anyone when the camera focuses on the movement of the man’s hips?”

I was not excited by Clinton, but I was extremely fucking horrified with Trump. So the underwhelming, slightly annoyed but SANE emotion won.

“This all seems normal, par for the course, to someone like Ivanka. They don’t, can’t, see it as being born at the finish line. They think they’re accomplished. They have very little of value to offer people who are not similarly situated.”

So here’s some slight comfort. This is just Congressional Republicans trying to look like they’re doing something so they can say “Hey, we passed a healthcare bill” and then punt it to the Senate, who will be more moderate and change the bill in a way that when it goes back the House, the Freedom Caucus will have none

“announced that his company’s first vile enterprise will be a week-long free speech troll near U.C. Berkely, in honor of Anne Coulter.”

“Wow. I feel like this is the lede. This argument f-ing WON THE DAY. What is wrong with women?!?!?”

I agree with the first part, but we gotta mention Ossoff. A Dem running in a ruby red district that has gone Rep. for 37 years, and he gets 48% of the vote, and got more campaign donations then 2 previous nominees (Dem and Rep) combined and then some. We’ve had competitive special elections in deep red states that

DC Republicans are in for the fight of their lives, and it’s all of their making and it all makes the Trump win a little more bearable to watch their most ambitious and amoral get bashed against the rocks.