Also a heads up to all female/POC/gay conservatives: Just because you don’t see yourself as black/hispanic/asian/gay etc first, doesn’t mean the rest of white conservatives aren’t.
Also a heads up to all female/POC/gay conservatives: Just because you don’t see yourself as black/hispanic/asian/gay etc first, doesn’t mean the rest of white conservatives aren’t.
That is exactly it. Every public statement she makes just sounds devoid of authenticity. She comes off, especially with this tweet, like a hastily constructed mood board trying to capitalize on a trend with all the deft of a NewWorld explorer declaring they’ve discovered something despite the attendant populace…
They got fucked in Republican gerrymandered districts. There is a reckoning coming, and all it needs to continue is for these assholes to just keep being assholes.
Apparently, we will replace these assholes.
What happened was another friend in that party was, I don’t know, drunk, snake-charming the boyfriend into believing that I was talking smack about him. I just met the guy THAT NIGHT, but that was definitely a red flag about his personality. I told my friend, to make sure I am never in the same room as that asshole…
Sweetheart, come to the states. We LITERALLY had it written in legal textbooks for almost half a century, by judges that when it came to accusations of sexual assault, women and children were not to be believed. Slowly but surely we make our way towards something of a better society...just a little too slow to my…
“By the way, as far as I’m concerned all of the friends that were on the porch when Oliver started berating Jordan are culpable too.”
They tried to do the opposite back in 2008(?), and actually voted for statehood. I’m thinking that was a move to get some of the debt protections available to the other 50 states. Good luck getting Mitch McConnell to let that happen.
“when Trump is dragged kicking and screaming out of the Oval Office, he can sit in the big chair and look like the country’s savior and set himself for 2020.”
This was a heads up to Flynn and Manafort: “Have my back and you’ll walk.”
We’re talking about Omarosa attending the National Association of Black Journalists, and you’re replying to my comment that was a response to this comment: “It means she’s Trump’s Negro whisperer.”
The issue is that all the attention becomes about Omarosa attending the event and challenging her. A Trump surrogate is at an event featuring black journalists and the mothers of 2 men killed by police and we have a current president who (makes bad optics his calling card and) jokingly encourages police brutality…
That would imply she had some actual pull with the black community. As it seems they all just reflexively clench when she walks into a room. Also I’m inclined to trust April Ryan’s negative opinion of a her based on how Omarosa tried to intimidate her.
Sandra Sterling’s call for some sort of third party review of police shootings is something that was addressed by the state of Wisconsin through the efforts of Michael Bell, whose son was executed by a police officer who was then cleared of all wrongdoing by his own department. If you want to see how you get some…
Sorry, I came for the “lobster fries”. What new awesome thing am I being denied in life?
Seriously, at this stage of the shitshow, she’d be better off opening a chain wherever her dad holds/held a rally.
Yeah, these people are so mired in Old Testament they might as well come to their senses and make the conversion to Judaism.
This shit really worries me. If fucking liberals don’t vote in 2018 (2020, 2022, 2024, 2026, etc) we’re in for an even meaner strain of asshole Republicans. Seriously, we’re going to long for the days of the Jeff Flakes and John McCains who at least subscribed to a conservative ideology and had a fundamental grasp of…
What’s their to understand? its contrarianism for the sake of being contrary.