
People like this are the same people who criticize Julian Castro for pandering to Hispanics because he doesn’t actually speak spanish and has to take lessons in order to speak to Hispanic/Latino voters in their 1st language.

So the real question is: In what order of birth does he rank in his family?

“Also, and here’s the thing that always gets me with these kind of “let the man be part of the decision bills” - if they want to have equal say in whether or not a woman should get an abortion shouldn’t they be automatically legally responsible for at least 50% of taking care of that child once it’s born?”

Yeah this has all the symptoms of “driving on the Palmetto”.


I did not know anything about that, and I had already relegated her to “basic bitch” status when she tried to take on the twin powers of Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. But that is just straight Rush Limbaugh territory.

No, but it totally lends creedance to the massively overbearing, and clearly controlling nature of Tay-Tay.

“The fact is that poverty rates have remained fairly flat for the past 50 years”

DiGiorno, Paul Newman Brand and (if you live in a state with them) Publix supermarket brand frozen pizza. All INFINITELY BETTER than Pizza Hut, even with a coupon.

I know this is not what good feminists do, but given Trump’s directive about his staff dressing nice and “women dressing like woman” and Spicer adopting bronzer, have they gotten Konjob a stylist and a plastic surgeon? 

This is the fine china of insults, and it’s like everyday is Thanksgiving since Jan 20th.

That’s why we have the Federal Courts to say “Because WE said “so” “

The Russian Mail Order Bride industry must be running on all cylinders this last week.

“In American terms yes, maybe he is “thirsty” but I get the strong impression he’s very lonely and eager to please and that she had other shit to do.”

Your statement just made my whole body dry heave, and my reproductive system retract into my chest.

She is rich and has a radical Christian takeover plan to infiltrate the lives of our youth in this country.

Related to Chelsea Peretti: She once liked an ink drawing I did of her and it was the highlight of my day. I told my best straight guy friend (big fan of her’s) and his response was “Link or you’re a liar”

Also factor in the types of roles that are available/pitched to black actors.

Hate does not mean bad chemistry. Debra Winger and Richard Gere HAAAAAATED each other in an Officer and a Gentlemen and they believably pulled off portraying a couple in love.

The shit is for real. My sister tried calling at 5 am and the voicemails were still full. She has called both the PA and D.C. offices. She strongly feels she needs to say something, I told her at least send an email till you get through to a person.