
Given the show, if anything is a lazy cop-out, it's killing Michael. I could be convinced of that, although it's not my first instinct. The time jump is very much written into the DNA of the show, I think. I don't have any issue with the time jump. If they had done the time jump and not killed the character, I would

You couldn't pay me to take that test again. Or the Bar Exam. Well, you could, I suppose. But it would have to be a lot of f'ing money. I don't even remember the LSAT or the Bar Exam. I went into some kind of weird autopilot state. I remember my mom dropping me off to take the bar exam on day 1, and then I remember

I always worry when showrunners say, "I did this, because I had always planned to do it." If you don't have flexibility to change as dynamics change, then you literally end up with How I Met Your Mother. It's never a good idea.

There's very little anyone could say or do to convince me at this point that Rafael and Jane aren't the endgame plan, short of the show killing Rafael too. I also think it's a terrible idea, but there it is. I do think there will be other new love interests first.

There's this loon who posts on every one of my aunt's posts about Trump "LOL" and when I comment on my aunt's posts, is always telling me she'll pray for me to see Trump's wisdom or something - apparently she was around a lot when I was a baby, so she feels like she knows me or something. I'm not sure how many more

True. On the other hand, I'll still take the talent agency spending the Oscar party money on the ACLU instead.

I just can't imagine they won't. They've suddenly leaned hard into the "this is a telenovela" thing, and I think that's preparation to get them together as endgame. I don't think it will happen for a good long while, but is certainly lay strong odds on it happening eventually. Which is part of my issue with killing

You know what bothered me also about her interviews? She said she put the foreshadowing in the 1st season so she couldn't change her mind about killing Michael, but like - if you were THAT reluctant, maybe you should have left yourself enough room to call an audible of you wanted to and change your mind? Like, I'm not

While I'm very aware that this is part of the DNA of a telenovela, the parts of this show I've loved most have usually been the parts that steered away from that aspect. (Except for Rogelio. I love me some Rogelio.) Things like the relationship between the Villanueva women,the small stories that usually go untold in

I can't imagine that's not the endgame, but who knows.

This is also how I feel. Loved this show. Glad it exists. Wish it, and the people who make it, every continued success. But this is not a journey I wish to go on with it. So I'm going to duck out before I begin to feel resentful that I'm still watching when I don't want to. But what a gift those 50+ episodes were.

For the record, I actually don't think the entire issue is queer men (or women) being the main characters. I'm sure it's an issue for some people, but everything is an issue for some people. I think a queer themed show, or a show with primarily queer leads, could actually do quite well. I just don't see any networks

Okie dokie.

Especially because they've set up the idea that the Good Place and the Bad Place actually compete to get people when there's a question of where they belong.

Just for knowing this and pointing it out, I deem thee worthy of The Actual Good Place.

I am so frustrated that no one will talk to any critics about the finale. I want to know which actors knew when. I'll be shocked if Danson didn't know from the beginning, tbh.

She might have been concerned Michael would change his name. If it's all an act, why not try on a new role, so to speak? I don't think that will happen, but at least with Chidi she could be reasonably sure he'd still be called Chidi.

Schur believes that people are innately good, I think, if sometimes incredibly self destructive and always flawed. I'm not an optimistic person by nature, so it's a refreshing thing for me to see on television in a way I find accessible.

This joke will literally always be hilarious to me. Thank god for The AV Club, the only place on the internet that remembers that dark and hilarious time in NBC's life cycle.

Oh, for the love of God. Another one who turned insufferable so quickly with a modicum of success.