
We Peacock Comedy.

Science, magic, etc.

Yeah, me too! That's when I discovered her and how great she was. I've kept hoping she'd find a leading role like that but she's been stuck in this kind of role, or as the sister on USA Network shows, etc.

I gave up believing in anyone or anything when Stephen Amell kept claiming each successive season of Arrow was the best they'd ever done. That was true ONCE, Amell. In season two. Then and only then.

I love Anne Dudek. Man, does she need a better agent.

Exactly. Like the characters or not, unless you've written them as functional idiots, viewers expect them to react as non-functional idiots. It's one thing if someone panics and gets killed stupidly. But with Beth and Sasha, among others, it's like - they didn't react in a panic. They THOUGHT about their dumb plans

I wonder if every TV tuned to Fox News in my grandma's independent living facility is counted separately? If so, there's about 300 viewers, right there.

I agree. I understand the issue, but it's a thorny one, because if you get rid of gender distinctions, the Oscars in particular, but all awards shows, will nominate mostly men (by a wide margin), most of the time (by a wide margin). And there may be some years that is appropriate, but there will definitely be some

It was so WEIRD. It's not like they were written into a corner, right? Presumably that whole hospital arc was literally leading to her death and they had decided to do it in breaking season 5, and they had a whole half a season leading up to it. Just. Why?

She stabbed her in the SHOULDER. In the SHOULDER. I will never get over that particular mess of nonsense. But the dumpster, in retrospect, made that look even stupider. The dumpster was when I was like, "Oh, wow. It's not just messy writing. They genuinely hold the people who watch this show in contempt."

This is how I feel when my home football team is playing the Patriots.

Barry Allen Graduates!

It's obscure to anyone under 60, I think. Mousetrap hasn't used that version in a long time. It's like… And Then There Were None. I had NO idea what that book was originally called in the UK until I wiki-ed it to try to remember a small plot point.

Pretty much.

I think I phrased this incorrectly. I meant the network itself doesn't meddle because fans respond poorly or positively to something. I don't think in the examples you mentioned that's the network meddling though. I think that's the creators listening. With Arrow, it took awhile, but they seem to have course corrected

The CW is incredibly non-responsive to fan wishes. Sometimes it serves them well, as they tend to allow the creators to do what they feel is best for the show, which I generally approve of. Sometimes it can create issues where fans really are quite reasonably saying, "Hey, listen. This doesn't make any sense. The

What happened now?

That definitely doesn't sound impossible, sadly. Which sucks. Although I'm beginning to suspect a fifth season may not be in the cards. The CW cares less about 100 episodes, since there shows are rarely purchased for syndication, and more about their Netflix deal, which is understood to have some sort of clause, only

I really think it would be okay if they hadn't done BOTH in one episode. That was the biggest issue. I was never going to be okay with them killing Michael, for a lot of reasons, and I particularly hated the fake out at the end of the last season, and then the very TWD-esque twist killing him half a season later, but