
Diggle to Sara: "You know, I named my child after you. But you were dead then. It was like a tribute? But now you're alive. We're going to use her middle name instead, okay? No offense, but your whole resurrection thing kinda ruined a touching tribute, you know? I KNOW. We'll rename her Andrea and call her Andy! As a

Upvotes. All the upvotes.

I think that she broke his neck.

Parker Young would not betray us this way! Possible, because it would be awful for that to happen to Thea *twice*, and you know how much this show likes to be awful to Thea.



It was the slow cooker. It gets you every time.

Plus, humor! They discovered humor! They are evolving.

I'm pretty sure Wendy Mericle actually saved this show. I'm beginning to forget Season 3 ever happened. I'm just so… happy.

We had very similar experiences watching the prison arc.

Okay, but only if she can still do shots with Damon sometimes. No, seriously, I will forgive this show SO much if they give Bonnie happiness. Even if it's with Enzo… I guess.

Major IS a saint, OK?

Almost Human was a WB produced show, whereas 20th Century is co-producer on Minority Report. That's probably a huge amount of the explanation right there.

When Linda and Iris were just hanging, I was like, "Throw Caitlin in there and LET'S MAKE IT A WHOLE EPISODE."

If Cisco keeps vibing people without their consent, Star Labs is in for some serious lawsuits.

Best episode. BEST. SO much magic in that episode.

The networks don't care much about total viewers, because advertisers really only pay for viewers in he demo 18-49. Never understood why TVBTN puts so much emphasis on them in the reporting.

I love Lincoln's American Southern accent. It was one of my favorite things about this show, before I gave up watching it for my health. I mean, it's a terrible accent. Sounds nothing like any real human on Earth. But god, is it fun. When things got too grim, you could always rely on a giggle from Rick shouting,

This is probably the most disappointed I've been in Jane the Virgin since the show came on the air. It was still hilarious, and fun, and touching and heartwarming, but it was missing a little something last night. And I'm scared that this love triangle is going to take the show over a cliff. Perhaps the issue last