
I could be wrong. I hope I'm wrong. Rosita is one character I really hoped they would do more with and it's disappointing to see that hasn't happened. I just worry it will get to, "We need to cull cast now!" time and she'll be easy to let go of, because the audience knows her - so emotion! - but she's not particularly

That was the weirdest part of the prison arc. "The fence is cracking." "Oh, that's bad." "The zombies are pushing up against it. It's gonna fall!" "Yep. Definitely not good." "We could reinforce it!" "…." "Maybe get some supplies on those endless runs." "Nah."

This show has a maddening habit of bringing in new characters and then giving them nothing to do. I assume Rosita will get a brief story arc that may or may not make any sense and then quickly bite it thereafter. Probably soon.

You have stumbled upon my most horrible secret. Off to find a memory spell!

I can see the conversation going like that. I can also see it going something like this.

My sister is convinced they are just going to go all in on the mystical pregnancy thing and that Stefan's whole storyline about a lost baby with Valerie is leading to that. I … I think I hope she's right? It's the kind of crazy that this show could really pull off. Or at least it was several seasons ago.

Why TVD? Why have you done this to me and to Bonnie Bennett? Unacceptable. Fix it. Now.

I agree. And I think Arrow has the harder job.

True. I much prefer this as "filler" to another Cupid storyline.

Also that time he said that stereotyping Texas was as bad as stereotyping Muslims. That was… not a great look. Then he Twitter flounced and then came back like 12 hours later. Or that one other time he said he had to take his toddler daughter out of a restaurant because he didn't want her to make eye contact with a

I choose to believe that's not true, because the idea that they are writing this without knowing that makes me twitch in a season three kind of way.

I'm so glad I didn't stop watching even though I threatened to repeatedly.

I'm amazed by how much work Arrow and Flash are having to do to set up this spinoff. Arrow has to bring two characters back from the dead. Flash has to recreate Firestorm and introduce Hawk Girl and remind everyone time travel is a thing. It's a lot of work for two entirely separate shows to do for a new show, while

That whole exchange was magnificent.

Well,that was a bad decision. Troll me once, shame on you, troll me twice, well… You know. I think they could get away with it for one week, but to have to wait four weeks? People are going to be annoyed.

Well, I like it better than when they were remaking Nolan's trilogy.

Wait. Why don't I remember that? That happened? Off to rewatch!

Sure. Okay. Fine. If it's helping to pay for Season three of Halt and Catch Fire, what can I really say?

Oh my gosh, yes. Often at work. Where I laughed embarrassingly loudly…

My sister and I always say that they hired Robert Buckley to be Teddy Dunn but then they found a Jason Dohring inside him that had been there all along. But also, my sister and I are waaaay too invested in Rob Thomas shows. And I absolutely agree - Major would have been Duncan/Laurel/Iris, etc. but somehow they found