
Wicked City has been trending in my city for 2 hours and iZombie didn't trend at all. This depresses me greatly, though I understand trending does not equal ratings. That's about all I have to add to this conversation, except that the last Major/Liv moment was the most Veronica/Logan moment that has happened since the

Wonderful. Just wonderful.

Please tell me you are referencing that amazing, epic TWD AV Club comments section where fully 50% of the comments were arguing about whether it constituted a bottle episode? Because that was my favorite thing that ever happened on this site and probably the best entertainment The Walking Dead has ever provided me.

I know. Isn't it terrible?

It's the Scientology. Makes the eyes vacant.

Why, Jeremy Sisto? Why do you do this to me? I JUST WANT TO LOVE YOU. Well, I already love you. I just want to love something you are in. Why couldn't we have a few more seasons of Suburgatory rather than this… thing.

I think they found something of hers that made them think she died. It's hard to remember. But it was offscreen, but the implication was clearly, "You are supposed to think Carol is dead." I mean, I didn't, but I know I was supposed to.

What about Carol's "death" in season 3? I'm sort of hemming and hawing about whether that counts.

The problem with that kind of thing with this show is that also sometimes the writers just really, really like to repeat certain shots and lines of dialogue, so you end up seeing connections they didn't mean because they were just repeating themselves. Even as the show and the writing has improved, they have had

Man, you are burning up this thread and I am enjoying it so much.

I would literally bet 1000 to 1 he isn't dead.

Yeah, I'm about 99.5% he's not dead.

YES, And I love that when he randomly pops up after being gone for a while, he always comes back, shoots a bunch of bad guys, and then is like, "WHATS UP LOSERS, DID YOU MISS ME AND MY SCRUFFINESS?"

Hmmm. An interesting and original legal argument. Clearly you'll never cut it as a lawyer in Star City, buddy. Still - You can be Laurel's co-counsel. Try to remind her of the difference between obstruction of justice and perjury, okay?

I watch it because my sister is obsessed with it for reasons beyond even her own understanding. I mostly checked out this first half of the season and played on my phone while it was on, but I'm sure Daddy Argent will drag me back into paying attention. Like, I don't usually find the whole men with weapons thing

"But, Your Honor, my client is an ethical assassin." - Laurel Lance, lawyer extraordinaire, defending Nyssa at her murder trial

He is very very attractive on Teen Wolf. And on Arrow. And in real life, I'd imagine.

I really disliked the pilot, but I can see it getting better. Pilot felt like three or four shows in one. It needs to pick a direction, stop being quite so obsessed with the fact it's hero happens to be a woman, and hopefully lessen Calista Flockhart's role, and it might turn into a serviceable fun show. Plus, Jimmy

Carrie, the fact that you recognized that was Dick Casablancas, Sr. is why you are the perfect person to review this show. I agonized over how I recognized him for the whole hour before my sister and I figured it out. Also, I need something positive to happen fo Major. Literally anything.

Look. Someone needs to stop this madness. Between Prison Break, Heroes, The X-Files, Twin Peaks, Coach, Gilmore Girls, Rush Hour, Lethal Weapon, Full House, 24, Girl Meets World, Minority Report, Limitless, Uncle Buck, MacGyver, Hart to Hart, Fantasy Island. When will the madness stop? Someone needs to take a stand